Akawaio-English Dictionary



an var. of anɨ
aꞌnaiꞌ (poss: ayaꞌnasi) n corn Gramineae
anaikaꞌ (var: kanaꞌai) n (non-possessed) a variety of fan-headed parrot Deroptyus accipitrinus
anakoꞌ n a variety of red-bellied bird
Aꞌnaren nprop the name given to a settlement up the A'taro River, off the Kukui River
anaꞌsakaꞌwa n 1a variety of locust 2a variety of bird
aꞌneꞌ nom something hot, as in temperature or intensity of the sun Aꞌneꞌ pe pata esi. The place/weather is hot. opp: komiꞌ ; sclr prop: aꞌneꞌ, iꞌnɨꞌkenan, komiꞌ .
ani (poss: ayanii) n tongue
ani kʉrʉkʉrʉ var. of aniꞌkura
aniꞌkura (var: ani kʉrʉkʉrʉ) n 1gill of a fish moroꞌ aniꞌkura fish's gill 2the base of the tongue
anɨ (var: an) vt eat fish or other meat Moroꞌ anɨꞌpʉ uya. I ate fish. tansen edible, referring to fish and meat
anɨnpa vt separate Ɨnʉꞌ uya ɨmoꞌka kon? Ɨnʉꞌ uya ayanɨnpa kon? Who can take you away? Who can separate you?
anɨꞌsaꞌ var. of tukuiꞌ
Ankauri tɨpʉ nprop the name given to a mountain (where?)
ankoruwa n a tattoo, given to Akawaio women on the inside of the forearm
annaꞌ adv publicly Isenpoikaꞌpʉ annaꞌ Israel amʉꞌ koroꞌtaꞌ. He appeared publicly to the Jews.
annoꞌta n (non-possessed) a small, forested area surrounded by savannah
aꞌno (var: aꞌnomʉ) vt put something in the sun or near the fire for warmth Yʉi po rʉꞌkwɨ taꞌnopɨꞌsen pe. He was on a stick warming himself in the sun. Wʉi yau aꞌnonpɨꞌ esiꞌpʉ. I was getting warm in the sun. Apoꞌ piyau aꞌnonpɨꞌ esiꞌpʉ. I was getting warm by the fire.
anoꞌma vt 1misplace, lose Upon anoꞌmaꞌpʉ uya. I lost/misplaced my shirt. 2charm, make someone lose their senses 3confuse someone, cause someone to stray from what they know is right Pʉse rɨ uya kaꞌpon amʉꞌ anoꞌma. This one is confusing the people.
utanoꞌma (der.) 1vr lost 2vi lost 3vi mad
aꞌnomʉ var. of aꞌno
anomʉraꞌ n (non-possessed) midnight Anomʉraꞌ aꞌtai, pʉraki pataꞌtɨꞌpʉ ina uya. At midnight, we planted the flag.
anontɨ n a variety of tree, the fruit of which is used to make body paint, annato Bixa orellana syn: karapiyaꞌpɨ, sapa 1 .
anpaꞌ n (non-possessed) a variety of frog good for eating, Krapo Hyla sp.
anpisin 1nom many items, especially people anpisin eporiꞌmatoꞌ pe plenty happy people 2n a crowd of people Iyeraꞌtɨꞌpʉ anpisin kaꞌpon amʉꞌ taꞌkɨrɨ tʉweꞌsan winɨkʉiꞌ. He turned toward the crowd that was with him.
anpokoma var. of anpokʉma