Akawaio-English Dictionary



ekamʉra nom 1having hateful feelings toward another Ekamʉra pe itɨꞌpʉ. He went as one having hateful feelings. 2troublesome, being in trouble 3miserable, uncomfortable, feeling bad 4sin, a moral offense against someone else
ekan var. of ekamʉ
eꞌkan n 1(non-possessed) a variety of wasp, found hanging in rafters without a nest 2a variety of stinging bee
eꞌkaꞌnɨpa vr scratch oneself Iyeꞌkaꞌnɨpaꞌpʉ. He scratched himself.
ekaꞌnʉkʉ vt make fat; fatten
ekaꞌnʉꞌsaꞌ fat one
kanawaka vt take something out of a boat Eki kanwakaꞌpʉ toꞌ uya. They took egi cakes out of the canoe.
ekanwaka (der.) vr disembark
kanawaꞌtɨ vt put into a boat Eki kanwaꞌtɨtɨꞌ! You all put egi cakes into the boat!
ekanwaꞌtɨ (der.) vr get into a boat
ekapʉꞌ cf: eꞌwasuꞌ. var. of ekapʉtʉ
ekapʉtʉ (var: ekapʉꞌ) vi defecate Iyekapʉtʉꞌpʉ. He defecated. Ekapʉꞌpɨtʉꞌpʉ. I used to defecate (in the same spot). One week ikoꞌmamʉꞌpʉ tekapʉꞌse pʉra. He stayed one week without defecating. Ekapɨꞌta. Go and defecate.
karaka vt tear, rip
ekaraka (der.) vr ripped
karapaima vt oil, put on hair oil Toꞌ mʉre karapaimaꞌpʉ iya. He put oil on the baby.
ekarapaima (der.) 1vr oil 2vi oily
ekare (poss: ɨyekareei) n news, information, a retelling of recent events
ekareꞌtɨ vt 1blow on an instrument or horn, to make a noise 2tell, announce Toꞌ utɨꞌpʉ pata pona ekareꞌtɨseꞌna. The went to the place to tell (what happened).
usekareꞌtɨ (der.) vr blow
ekariꞌma (cf: aꞌkoka) vi open
ekasi var. of ekatʉ
ekaꞌtumʉ vi run Iyekaꞌtumʉꞌpʉ. He ran.
ekaꞌtunpa (der.) vt chase
ekaꞌtunpa (der. of ekaꞌtumʉ) vt chase, run after someone Iyekaꞌtunpaꞌpʉ toꞌ uya. They ran after him.
ekaꞌtumʉ vi run Iyekaꞌtumʉꞌpʉ. He ran.
ekaꞌtunpa (der.) vt chase
ekatʉ (var: ekasi) vi 1be or become big, grow up 2be or become fat Iyekaꞌsaꞌ. He got fat.
eꞌkawaiꞌtɨ vi smoke tobacco, cigarettes, etc. Iyeꞌkawaiꞌtɨꞌpʉ. He smoked (tobacco/a cigarette).
ekayu 1n a place without bush, a clean place Mɨrɨpan yau ekayu rʉꞌkwɨ, tɨꞌ esiꞌpʉ. In that place, it was clean (no plant growth), there were rocks. 2smooth opp: kɨrɨkɨrɨ .
eke 1nom something big Iyaꞌtaꞌpʉ mɨrɨ awonsiꞌkɨ iyepetaꞌpʉ eke pe. It sprouted and bore plenty fruit. eke pata ton big places opp: aiko 1 . 2nom plenty Mɨrɨpan si eꞌtane tuꞌke rɨ waiken amʉꞌ uyeeꞌpʉ mɨrɨ aiko ton nin si. Tuꞌke rɨ waiken amʉꞌ tʉkaꞌpʉ toꞌ uya, eke pe rɨ. And then, plenty reindeer came, lots of small ones. They killed plenty reindeer, plenty. eke ton itepuru ton pataꞌseꞌ a place belonging to plenty leaders 3important person eke ton pataꞌseꞌ big/important people's place
ekeꞌ 1someone or something dead itekepu his corpse opp: nurɨne 1 . 2in a deep manner, as in sleeping deeply Mɨrɨpan kon si eꞌnʉmʉꞌpʉ ekeꞌ pe. They slept deeply.
eke yapɨ n a variety of scorpion, non-stinging gen: mɨnɨꞌ .