Akawaio-English Dictionary



iꞌmʉꞌsaꞌka vt 1stand, set in an upright position Yʉi iꞌmʉꞌsaꞌkaꞌpʉ ina uya. We made the tree stand up (after it fell over). 2raise; specifically, cause someone to rise from the dead, cause to be alive again Papa, ina tamokori ton eꞌtoꞌ iteseꞌ pɨꞌ, Sises pʉmʉꞌsaꞌkanin nʉꞌpʉ iyeriꞌsaꞌ apai ɨnwɨnɨꞌpʉ kon tʉpokapɨꞌse yʉi pona. God, on whom our ancestors called, has raised Jesus from death, whom you killed by stabbing him to a tree.
eꞌmʉꞌsaꞌka (der.) vi 1stand 2raise up
en bright white, shiny syn: sirɨn .
en var. of enu eye
en var. of ene see, read
en var. of yen container; hole
en iꞌmoi eye ball (lit: eye egg)
en kuꞌna vt close the eyes
en piꞌpɨ n eyelid (lit: eyeꞌs skin)
en ukaramʉ vr eyes crying, mostly from smoke
ena vi 1drop, as in fruit ripening Iteperu enaꞌpʉ. Its fruit dropped (because it was ripe). 2fall, as in rain Awanakʉiꞌ kuru tuna enaꞌpʉ. Rain fell in the early morning.
ena vi consummate, to become as one, to be together as husband and wife "Enanpai," taꞌpʉ itaanꞌpʉ uya ipɨꞌ. "Let's consumate our relationship," the husband said to her.
enaꞌ postp 1for Se akɨ itenaꞌ. Carry this for him/her. 2to 3about
ena n (non-possessed) water fall
ena vi 1get Eke pe ɨyenasaꞌ. You have become big. 2become Poriꞌ pe iyenakaaꞌpʉ kanan. He became happy again.
usena (der.) vr shop
eꞌnaika vr be or become vexed Ɨnoꞌ rɨ eꞌnaikatoꞌ oton. Your grandmother will be vexed.
eꞌnaiꞌka vt make someone cough Iseꞌnaiꞌka emapuꞌtɨꞌpʉ uya. I started him coughing.
useꞌnaiꞌka (der.) (var useꞌneꞌka) 1vr cough 2vt cough
enaikʉ var. of ennaaikʉ
enaka (var: enakan) postp 1to Menuka uya mɨrɨ, umʉre rʉꞌkwɨ Timothy enakan. I am writing to my little child, Timothy 2for
enakaiꞌ n wanting to vomit
enakaiꞌken vr be or become nauseated
enakan var. of enaka
Enaꞌku nprop the name given to a settlement along the Upper Mazaruni, near Kuyupenan
eꞌnaꞌkʉrʉtʉ 1n constipation Iyeꞌnaꞌkʉrʉꞌnɨ pɨꞌ man. He was with constipation. 2vr something stuck in a hole
enamʉ vt hold
inanʉkʉ vt make wet Paꞌtiya yeꞌ inanʉkʉꞌpʉ uya. I wet the watermelon plant.
eꞌnanʉkʉ (der.) vr wet