Akawaio-English Dictionary



pankaiꞌ n (non-possessed) a local style of waricha in the shape of a triangle and not open in the back like the more traditional warishi; usually also less sturdy than the other; worn in the same way
panta n 1branch of a tree Saraurai yeꞌ panta po toꞌ enkurumʉ koroꞌtau, .. .. As they climbed on the branch of the saraurai tree, . . .. 2branch of a river tuna panta the branch of a river
pantaka (var: pataika) vt 1branch off, leave the trail 2divide Ina pantakapɨtʉꞌpʉ toꞌ uya 7 peꞌne. They divided us into groups of seven.
epantaka (der.) 1vr branch off 2vi deviate
pantaꞌma vt 1fight Ɨnʉꞌ uya pʉse pantaꞌma? Who is fighting this person? 2beat
pantarʉka vt break off branches Warapari yeꞌ pantarʉkaꞌpʉ iya. He broke branches from the warabari tree.
panton (poss: apantomʉ) n story
paꞌnʉꞌ var. of paꞌnʉkʉ
paꞌnʉkʉ (var: paꞌnʉꞌ) 1vt curse Ipaꞌnʉkʉꞌpʉ uya. I cursed him. 2vi be or become shocked
Papa 1nprop the name given to God; Father God; the Creator God, God of the universe, infinite in Being and transcending time, etc. syn: Kaatʉ . 2n grandfather, for direct address indir add: tamokori .
Papa Aꞌkwarʉ (comp.) nprop Holy Spirit
Papa Aꞌkwarʉ (comp. of Papa, aꞌkwa, see under Papa) nprop Holy Spirit, the Spirit of God, the manifestation of God at work in and through his believers syn: orekoꞌ.
Papa 1nprop the name given to God; Father God; the Creator God, God of the universe, infinite in Being and transcending time, etc. syn: Kaatʉ . 2n grandfather, for direct address indir add: tamokori .
Papa Aꞌkwarʉ (comp.) nprop Holy Spirit
papai n 1(non-possessed) father, direct address, term used by children with the equivalent of 'Daddy' indir add: kʉipʉnʉ 1 . 2grandfather, direct address 3uncle, one's father's brother, direct address indir add: kʉipʉnʉ 2 . 4uncle; more specifically one's mother's sister's husband, direct address indir add: kʉipʉnʉ 3 .
papaꞌtan n 1cousin 2grandfather, direct address 3old man, direct address
paraꞌ n a variety of large, black wasp
Paraiꞌkau nprop the name given to the falls; sometimes called 'Wild Cow Falls' nobody seems to know why
paraꞌkari (poss: aparaꞌkarii) n a variety of cassava drink, stronger than normal
parakwa (poss: aparakwaai) n 1a variety of tree, known as mora tree 2mora tree seed
paramari (var: panamari) n 1paint 2tar
paran n 1illness, sickness, a general term ɨsɨ paran eꞌtoꞌ oton mɨꞌta awɨrɨ rɨ A severe illness will come here. 2epidemic 3trouble
paranakʉrʉ n (non-possessed) white person
paranka (poss: aparankaai) n lumber, boards Paranka amʉꞌ eꞌmaꞌtɨiꞌ ina uya. We are drugging boards.
parantarai n 1(non-possessed) a variety of bird, known as bell bird 2preying mantis
parapi (poss: aparapii) n plate, something to hold food while one eats it
pararaipu n a variety of snake that can jump, bushmaster snake syn: sarɨimɨ .
paraꞌta (poss: aparaꞌtaai) n a variety of tree, the bulletwood tree, the rubber tree, also produces a type of fruit