Akawaio-English Dictionary



peyaꞌ (poss: ɨpeyakʉrʉ) n landing
peyoꞌ n a type of skin disease
pi n 1younger brother of a female; also used in direct address 2son; more specifically, a woman's son; for direct address indir add: mu .
pika n (non-possessed) a variety of beautiful, burnt-red-colored bird with a long tail and distinctive call
pika vt heat, as in the effect of the sun on the earth Ɨsɨ pe rɨ iꞌpai pikaꞌpʉ iya. It (the sun) heated his head so that it hurt.
pikaꞌtɨ vt 1help Elias pikaꞌtɨꞌpʉ uya. I helped Elias. Sipikaꞌtɨyaiꞌ. I am helping (someone/at something). 2save in a physical sense, from a burning house or from drowning in the river 3save, especially God saving mankind from their sins by sending Jesus Ɨpikaꞌtɨnin kon entusaꞌ man, Kʉrai, Itepuru. Your saviour has been born, Christ, the Lord. syn: koneka 5, moꞌka 3 .
epikaꞌtɨ (der.) vr 1help oneself 2help each other 3help oneself to something
pikonpɨꞌ n a variety of bird
piꞌkwa vt blink Enu piꞌkwaꞌpʉ uya. I blinked my eyes.
piꞌnaꞌ n a variety of fish with a skinny nose
pininpa vt carry, walk with something or someone Itekepu pininpaꞌpʉ ikʉipʉnʉ uya. His father carried his body around.
upinimʉ (der.) vi walk
pipi (poss: ɨpipi) n older brother, for a female; also used in direct address
Pipi nprop the name given to a creek that flows into the Kukui River at the village of Pipiri pai
Pipiri pai nprop the name given to the Akawayo village on the Kukui River at the mouth of Pipi creek
pipɨꞌ n a variety of insect that smells like a stink bug when mashed
pipɨꞌ n a variety of plant that burns one's skin
piꞌpɨ (poss: ɨpiꞌpɨ) n 1skin 2fish scales 3turtle shell
piꞌpɨpʉn (der.) scaleless
tʉpiꞌpɨkenan (der.) nom scaled
piꞌpɨpʉn (der. of piꞌpɨ) without scales, referring to skin fish Koruwaꞌ esi moroꞌ piꞌpɨpʉn. Koruwak is a fish without scales. spec: tenmaꞌsa; gen: moroꞌ.
piꞌpɨ (poss: ɨpiꞌpɨ) n 1skin 2fish scales 3turtle shell
piꞌpɨpʉn (der.) scaleless
tʉpiꞌpɨkenan (der.) nom scaled
piriꞌka vt 1shave 2cut one's hair
pirikʉ (var: piriꞌtɨ) vt 1enlarge, make more 2make something to increase
pirikʉ nom something added to a larger whole, in addition to Tanporon kon pona ɨpʉreman tawon piriꞌnin pe, . . .. In addition to telling them to be praying for everyone, . . .. cf: tonpaꞌtɨ .
pirimoꞌ n (non-possessed) dragonfly Libellula depressa
pirimokon n a variety of fruit
piriꞌori var. of piriyori
piriꞌoro var. of piriyori