Akawaio-English Dictionary



piriꞌtɨ var. of pirikʉ
piriukwa vt pelt
piriyoi n (non-possessed) a variety of tree-climbing vine with red, trumpet-like flowers
piriyori (var: piriꞌoro; var: piriꞌori) n (non-possessed) a variety of short, green bean
Piroi nprop the name of a creek on the Upper Mazaruni River, bottom-side to Jawalla
Piroi Ken nprop the name given to the settlement located at the mouth of the Piroi creek, along the Upper Mazaruni River, down-river from Jawalla
pirorʉnpa vt make someone scream mɨrɨ uya ipirorʉnpapɨtʉ. That makes him scream.
piroto n 1lead, used for fishing weights and bullets 2bullet 3mud ball 4projectile 5bulletwood tree Manilkara bidentata
pisaꞌma vt mash, trample Epeꞌ kenaꞌ pe teꞌsen tiwanoꞌ kon kʉsenoꞌmatʉu peiruku amʉꞌ enaꞌ toꞌ uya ipisaꞌma esi. Don't throw your own expensive things to dogs for them to trample on them.
pisi (poss: ɨꞌsi) n calf, the lower half of the leg
piꞌsikʉ vt 1drag Ipiꞌsikʉꞌpʉ toꞌ uya apoꞌ piyapai. They dragged it from the fire. 2pull
Piꞌsiwon (var: Iꞌsiwon) nprop the Alleluia prophet
Pisuꞌ nprop the name given to a creek running into the Kukui River up-river from Jawalla village
pisuꞌka (cf: peisuꞌka) vt smack one's lips Teꞌpi pisuꞌkaꞌpʉ iya. She smacked her lips.
piꞌtɨ vt heal someone
piyaꞌ postp 1by Ɨpiyaꞌ nokon uyeeꞌsaꞌ. I have come by you all. 2to sclr prop: piyaꞌ 2, piyau 1 . 3toward
piyaiꞌma n (non-possessed) giant dir add: Atatai .
Piyaiꞌma pai nprop the name given to a bay along the Upper Mazaruni River, above Imbaimadai
piyaiꞌma pʉmʉi giant pepper
piyaiꞌma wariꞌsa var. of ene wariꞌsa
piyaiꞌsan n 1(non-possessed) shaman, a person who deals with spirits and the spirit world syn: enewokeꞌ . 2the act of practising shamanism Piyaiꞌsan esi piyaiꞌsan pɨꞌ. The shaman is practising shamanism.
piyan (cf: ariya) n 1(non-possessed) a variety of bat-catching bird with a night-time screech 2eagle
piyapai postp away from Makoi uya imoꞌka toꞌ piyapai. The devil takes it from them.
piyapaino (poss: ɨpiyapainorʉ) n orphan
piyaꞌpaꞌpɨ vt purify a house from illness using smoke and ritual Eꞌneꞌ piyaꞌpaꞌpɨ piyaiꞌsan uya. The piyaichang purified (the house) of illness.