1, 2, 3... | noun class |
5/6, 7/6. | noun gender |
1sg., 1S. | first person singular |
1pl., 1P. | first person plural |
2sg., 2S. | second person singular |
2pl., 2P. | second person plural |
3sg., 3S. | third person singular |
3pl., 3P. | third person plural |
adj. | adjective |
adv. | adverb |
adv.deg. | adverb of degree |
adv.l. | adverb of location |
adv.m. | adverb of manner |
adv.ph. | adverb phrase |
adv.q. | question adverb |
adv.s. | sentence adverb |
adv.t. | adverb of time |
am. | associative marker |
Ant. | antonym |
AP | associative phrase |
aux. | auxiliary |
cf. | see; compare |
clit. | clitic |
Cntx.var. | contextual variant |
Comp. | compound |
conj. | conjunction |
Contr. | contraction |
dem. | demonstrative |
dem~. | pre-nominal demonstrative |
~dem. | post-nominal demonstrative |
Der. | derived form |
Dial.var. | dialect variant |
EL | Elung |
emph.dem. | emphatic demonstrative |
excl. | exclamation |
exp. | expression |
Fut. | future tense |
Fut.Neg. | future negative |
ideo. | ideophone |
Impf. | imperfective aspect |
Infl.var. | inflectional variant |
k.o. | kind of |
Lit. | literally |
mod. | modifier |
NB | Northern Bakossi |
n. | noun |
n.mod. | modifier noun |
n.num. | numeral noun |
noun.ph. | noun phrase |
n.pr. | proper noun |
Neg. | negative form |
NN | Nninong |
num. | numeral |
num.q. | num. question word |
part. | particle |
Perf. | perfect aspect |
pfx. | prefix |
pl. | plural |
poss. | possessive |
poss.l. | locative possessive |
prep. | preposition |
pro. | pronoun |
pro.s. | pro-sentence |
Prov. | proverb |
qu. | question marker |
quant. | quantifier |
rel. | relative |
rp. | reporting particle |
SB | Southern Bakossi |
sb. | somebody |
sfx. | suffix |
sg. | singular |
sm. | subject marker |
sp. | species |
Sp.var. | spelling variant |
sth. | something |
Syn. | synonym |
t.ad. | term of address |
tit. | title |
tm. | tense marker |
UB. | Upper Bakossi |
v. | verb |
vi. | intransitive verb |
vt. | transitive verb |
v.adj. | adjectival verb |
v.adj.aux. | adjectival auxiliary verb |
v.adj.ph. | adjectival phrasal verb |
v.aux. | auxiliary verb |
v.exp. | verbal expression |
v.ph. | phrasal verb |
Var. | variant form |
voc. | vocative |
WB | Western Bakossi |