Search results for "agimat"

muta [mútà] 1n The white matter (natural discharge) in eyes. muta Nalimutan nidang pahiron kag ida muta. She forgot to wipe away the white matter in her eyes. (sem. domains: - Eye.) 2vi To be running with white, pusy matter. Inamuta kag ako mata dahil igwa ako’t tagimata. My eyes are pusy because I have conjunctivitus. (sem. domains: 2.5.6 - Symptom of disease.)

bertod [bértod] n Virtue. agimat (sem. domains: 4.3.1 - Good, moral.)

agimat [agímat] n Magic or protective power coming from an amulet, good luck charm or talisman. Indi matamaan it bala si Nardong Kidlat dahil inggwa sida it agimat. Nardong Kidlat could not be hit with a bullet because he has supernatural power. [The charm can be worn on clothing or implanted under the skin to protect, bring luck, or give special ability to a person. It is often said to protect one from bullets.] (sem. domains: - Sorcery.)