Search results for "ambo"

yata₂ [yatâ] 1adj Soft; wet (as of rice); flattened; mashed. 2sta To become moist, flattened or mashed. Nayata kag keyk sa bag nak ida raya. The cake in the bag got mashed. 3vt To mash, flatten something. pipi, malambot

yambo [yámbo] 1n A long fish line with many hooks and lures. 2vi To go fishing with such a line.

yaman [yáman] adj Rich, wealthy. yaman Abang yaman tong unang panahon sina Amboy ugaling ay naubos it kasusugay. During those days Amboy’s family was rich but it was all used up in gambling. syn: manggar 2.

yagtok₃ [yágtok] vi 1To soften when soaked in water (as of a mark on the floor, fish scales, rice). Nagyagtok kag ida inghu-om nak rukot it kinaydo. The burnt part of the cooked rice that she soaked in water, softened. (sem. domains: - Grind flour.) 2To soften something by soaking it in water. lambot Ako apayagtukon kag himbis it isra bag-o kaliskisan. I’ll let the fish scales softened in water before removing them. Apayaktokan nako’t bugas kag marakong planggana. I’ll let the rice soften in water on the big basin.

walis tambo [walís támbò] n Soft broom grass. (sem. domains: 1.5.3 - Grass, herb, vine.)

tuytog₁ [túytog] v To make noise by beating rhythm on rice pot lids, or beating sticks of bamboo (as when frightening away the seven-headed-dragon during an eclipse). togtog Kag mga maguyang tong unang panahon ay nagtuytog kung inggwa it iklipse. In the olden days the old folks made a noise by beating rhythms on rice pot lids when there was an eclipse.

tuslok [túslok] 1sta To be accidently pierced with a sharp object. Nag‘tetanus’ sida it kag natuslok ka ida yuba it kawadan. He got tetanus when his mouth was pierced with the bamboo. 2vt To pierce something or somebody with a sharp object. tusok Aya gipangtuslok it tinidor sa imo manghor! Don’t pierce your younger sibling with that fork! Ingtuslok nida ka sab-a agor maayaman kung nayutoey. She pierced the cooking bananas to see if they were done.

turok [turók] 1vi To pierce or sink deeply into something (words, into one’s heart, mind or something into the ground). Tanan nak ida gingbibisaya ay nagtuturok sa ako puso. Everything he’s saying cuts deeply in my heart. Indi magturok sa raga katong tagrokon dahil sa katugas. The pole won’t sink into the ground because it’s hard. 2vbt To stick or pierce something with something sharp or pointed. turok Iturok nimo kinang tinayuman nak kwadan hina sa rayaag. Stick the pointed bamboo there in the yard.

tulilik [tulílik] v To wander around in a daze, half asleep; to feel light headed; to feel dizzy; to see stars. Natulilik yang kag ambo pagnakakakaon it hilo. Rats go around in a daze when they eat poison.

tukob₁ [tukób] 1.1vt To catch (such as a cat catching mice) kain Napantukob it ambo kag amo uning pag gab-i. Our cat catches mice at night.

tong maisot pa nagsasada, pag raki nida ay nag-uub... [tong maisót pa nagsasáda pag rakî nida ay nag-uúb] riddle - Convert to subentry When she was young she was clothed, when mature she was naked (bamboo). nong maliit pa ay nagpapalda, nang malaki na ay nag-huhubad (kawayan)

tinikling [tiníkling] n Dance using bamboo; casganets and couples interwearing between each other [ to replace or substitute]. (sem. domains: 4.2.4 - Dance.)

tiklis₁ [tíklis] n A large open weave basket used for fish, copra, fruit etc (made of bamboo or rattan). buslo Kamahayey ra yaki kag tiklis it isra sa Palawan. A large basket of fish in Palawan is very expensive now.

tikbalang₁ [tikbálang] n Game of walking on bamboo poles. (sem. domains: - Game.)

tigawnan [tigáwnan] n Fishing rod made of thin smooth bamboo (of the kind called bagakay).

tayubo [tayubó] n Fungus, large white, that grows on wood, wet bamboo. (sem. domains: 1.5.4 - Moss, fungus, algae.)

tayhupan [tayhúpan] n Game with blowing berries through bamboo tubes to hit one's oponents. (sem. domains: - Game.)

tartar₁ [tártar] (sem. domains: 6.5.3 - Building materials.) 1.1n Woven bamboo walling. (sem. domains: 6.5.3 - Building materials.) 1.2vt To split the bamboo into lengthwise slats to make woven bamboo walling from pounded bamboo. Ingtartar nida katong mga kawadan agor ipangringring. He pounded and wove that bamboo to use for walling. (sem. domains: 6.5.3 - Building materials.)

taon₃ [taón] n Bamboo trap for crabs, crayfish etc set in rapids. Karagko nak uyang kag suyor it taon ni Nito. The contents of Nito’s trap for crabs held a very big crab.

taon₁ [ta-ón] n Bamboo fish trap. (sem. domains: - Fishing equipment.)

tamburin₂ [tamburín] n Tambourine. tamburín

tamburin₁ [tamburín] n Tamborine. Indiey magamit tong ida tamburin. His tamburine can’t be used anymore.

tambor [támbor] v To play the tamborine. Si Irene kag nagtambor tong sinra ay magparada. Irene was the one who played tamborine when they had a parade.

tambo [támbò] 1n Bamboo shoots. Abang ragko katong mga tambo nak amo nakita it tahapon. The bamboo shoots we saw yesterday were so big. (sem. domains: 1.5.3 - Grass, herb, vine.) 2vi To gather bamboo shoots. Nagpanambo kami sa kayhasan tahapon. We went to gather some bamboo shoots in the forest yesterday. (sem. domains: 6.2.5 - Harvest.) der. panambo

talingyas [talíngyas] n 1A bobbin (as on a sewing machine). (sem. domains: 6.6.1 - Working with cloth.) 2A spinning wheel (Banton). syn: gilingan. (sem. domains: 6.6.1 - Working with cloth.) 3A spool made of bamboo tube around which abaca thread is wound. (sem. domains: 1.5.5 - Parts of a plant.)