Search results for "ambuyong"

saliksik [salíksik] vt To search out; to scrutinize; to research. saliksik Nagsaliksik sida it mga pambuyong nak tanom. She’s searching out medicinal plants.

nipa [nípà] (dial. var. ambuyong) n Tree species; edible clumping palm to about 3m in wet areas, which provides herbal medicine as well as building and weaving materials. nípà, pawid [Used for thatching light-construction houses. The leaflets are used for making raincoats and sun hats, coarse baskets, mats, and bags; the midribs for making coarse brooms, for tying bundles of rice, and for sewing nipa shingles. Petioles serve as fuel, splints prepared from the cortex are sometimes used for making baskets. It is used for wrapping a rice confection known as suman. Immature seeds are used for food, it is sometimes made into a kind of sweetmeat. It is an important source of alcohol and vinegar, and source of sugar.] (sem. domains: 1.5.1 - Tree.)

ambuyong [ambuyóng] dial. var. of nipa