Search results for "but-anan"

listo [lísto] adj 1Alert; smart. listo, laging handa Marali tudluan kag listo nak anak. It’s easy to teach a smart child. Listo sida sa pagpanimati sa maestra. She’s alert at listening to the teacher. Syn: alisto 1; syn: but-anan 1. (sem. domains: - Prepare something for use.) 2To prepare; to get something ready. (sem. domains: - Prepare something for use.) der. alisto

but-anan [but-ánan] (der. of buot) 1adj Alert, aware, having recognition of people, sense, intelligence and personality (as of unexpectedly intelligent responses by normally immature, unintelligent beings like babies, children and animals). maybait Kag ida tatlong buyan pa yang nak lapsag ay but-ananey. Her three month old baby is already alert. syn: listo 1. (sem. domains: - Attention, - Alert.) 2id Being powerful; going on it's own; having a mind, will of it's own (as of an object or machine). parang may isip Abang but-anan baga tong inra uning ag iro. Their cat and dog seem to have minds of their own. (sem. domains: 6.7 - Tool, 6.7.9 - Machine.)