Search results for "higumok"

tahi [tahî] 1n The stitches; design of something. yari Kag tahi it ida baro ay natastas. The stitches of her dress was unraveled. Asunoron nako kag tahi it ida palda. I’ll copy the design of her skirt. syn: hukot, higumok. (sem. domains: 6.6.1 - Working with cloth.) 2vt To sew; to stitch; to suture. Natahiey nida kag gisi’t ida sayway. She has already sewed the torn on her pants. Kag ida inoperahan ay ingtahi liwat it doktor. Her operation was sutured again by the doctor. syn: sursi. (sem. domains: 6.6.1 - Working with cloth.) 3v To sew, dressmake, to have something sewn made by dressmaker, tailor. (sem. domains: 6.6.1 - Working with cloth.)

hukot [hukót] vt To mend (particularly a fishing net). sulsi Naghukot kami it pukot nina Tang Prudin. We mended the fish net of Uncle Pruden. syn: higumok, tahi 1. (sem. domains: - Fish with net.)

higumok [higúmok] vbt To mend a fishing net. tinahi syn: hukot, tahi 1. (sem. domains: - Fish with net, - Knitting.)