Search results for "kutar"

kutar-kutar [kutar-kutár] v 1To cut, chop up something destructively (as of tennis balls). To tear to pieces, as of cloth, paper. Ida ingkutar-kutar kag bola dahil sira ey ra. He cut up the ball destructively because it was already torn. (sem. domains: 7.8.3 - Cut.) 2To divide up. (as of money, food). (sem. domains: 6.8.3 - Share wealth, 7.8 - Divide into pieces.)

kutar-kalamay [kutar-kalámay] v To tack as of a boat. (sem. domains: - Boat.)

kutar kalamay [kútar kalámay] To sail across the wind; to tack (sem. domains: - Boat.)

kutar [kútar] 1vt To cut up into small pieces; to break into small pieces; to crumble. Aya gikutara kinang sobrang tela it imo baro. Don’t cut into samll pieces the left-over cloth of your dress. 2sta To be cut into pieces; be crumbled. putol-putol Asing nakutar-kutar tong papel sa lamesa. Why are the papers on the table crumbled up? 3v To split, cut, saw logs lengthwise and into desired dimension. (sem. domains: - Lumbering, 7.8 - Divide into pieces.)