Search results for "laba"

yaswa [yáswa] (dial. var. talsik) 1vi To fly off, out of where something is placed or attached. tumilapon Nagpangyaswa kag ida raya tong mabangga sida’t usang tawo. All the things she was carrying flew out of her hands when a man bumped her. syn: yasik 2.1, talsik. 2sta tumilapon Nagyaswa kag takong it ida sapatos. The heel of his shoes flew off. Ingpayaswa it kayaki kag ngisi it ida kalaban sa suntukan. The man knocked the teeth of his opponent out in the fist fight. Nayaswa kag ako katungka pag-abot ninra. My sleepiness flew away when they arrived.

yabaw [yabáw] (irreg. infl. yapaw) 1vi To extend beyond a point; to protrude. Nagyayabaw kag ida kamison sa ida malip-ot nak baro. Her slip extends beyond her short dress. Pagkakusog ka imo itsa ay nagyayapaw kag bola sa ida. When you throw hard, the ball goes out beyond her. 2vbt To extend something beyond a point; to exceed something. labis Ayabawan nako kag imo mga nabaoy nak marka sa eskwela. I’ll exceed the mark you got in school. Ingyapawan nida it taas kag nayukso’t kalaban sa ‘high jump’. She surpassed the height that her opponent made at the high jump.

wilig-wilig₁ [wilig-wilíg] v To shake cloth. Ityang yang giwilig-wiliga ni Lili tong ida labahan ag ingbuyarey. Lil just shook her dirty clothes and then hang them up to dry.

ungor-ungor [ungor-úngor] 1adv Serious; concentrated; sincerely; intent; trying hard; conscientious. Ungor-ungor sida sa ida pagaray. She’s serious in her studies. syn: minatuor, seryuso, sobsob 2.2. 2vt To do something very seriously. tutuhanan Aungor-ungoron nato kag laban sa bola. Let’s play ball seriously.

unas [unás] v To finish, complete doing something. natapos Waya naunas it laba ni Linda kag mga lalabhan. Linda wasn’t able to finish washing the soiled clothes.

umog₁ [umóg] adj Soiled; dirty; discoloured clothes. marumi Tangan kinang mga umog nak yamit sa labahan para indi malimtan maglaba. Put those dirty clothes in the dirty clothes so I won’t forget to wash them. syn: buling 1, lamog.

tses [tsés] n Game of chess. tses Si Poncing ay nag-iba sa laban-labanan it tses sa banwa. Poncing joined in the chess competition in town.

trisyon [trísyon] v To fight unfairly, behind somebody’s back; to fight spitefully. patraidor Patrisyon kag pagbuno sa ida kada waya sida nakalaban. His enemy fought behind his back that’s why he was not able to fight back.

tistigo [tistígo] 1n Witness. 2v To witness; to observe; to testify, give evidence. tistigo Apatestiguhon nako sida laban kang Mayor. I’ll have him witness against the Mayor.

tiltil [tíltil] v 1To chip away part of something made of rock, cement. tiltil Atiltilon anay nako kag semento sa lababo bag-o butangan it tiles. I’ll chip away part of the cement in the sink before putting on tiles. Gusto nakong makatapos it pageskwela agor indi ako magtiltil it asin sa huli. I want to finish my studies so I won’t suffer life’s hardships someday. [There is an idiomatic usage meaning “to suffer life’s hardships” matiltil it asin (lit: to-chip salt)] (sem. domains: - Room.) 2To engrave stone, marble. (sem. domains: - Furrow.)

tilon [tilón] n Stage curtain. Nagisi kag tilon tong magpalabas sinra sa plasa. The stage curtain was torn when they had a show at the plaza.

tikundong₂ [tikúndong] n Dirty laundry basket. Puno it labahan kag inra tikundong. Their dirty laundry basket is full of soiled clothes. (sem. domains: 5.6.4 - Wash clothes.)

tarok₂ [tárok] 1n Stare. 2vbt To stare at somebody, something. dilat Atarokan gador nako kag ako kalaban. I will really stare at my opponent. Ingtarokan nida kag litrato nak kaguganda. He stared at the picture which was very beautiful.

tamwa [támwà] vi To go out by a certain way, exit. labas Hali yangey ako matamwa sa kusina dahil hina tong kolektor it ilaw sa sala. I’ll go out in the kitchen because the light collector is in the living room.

tabon [tábon] 11.1n A cover. 1.2vbt To cover something up. tabon Atabunan nako kag likutan. I’ll cover the trash can. 22.1vbt To fill in, level a terraced field. tabon Ingtabonan it mga sundalo it uhot katong raya ninrang mga baril sa kariton para indi makita it kalaban. The soldiers filled the carriage with rice straw so their enemies wouldn’t notice that there’s a gun in it.

susot karabaw [suso't karabaw] n The fruit is edible, and has an agreeable flavor. súsung-kalabáu Uvaria Rufa

sili₂ [síli] v 1Chilli (as of hot chilli peppers). siling-labuyo [One chili a source of cayenne pepper. Cayenne pepper is used externally as a stimulant and counterirritant, and internally to dispel flatulence and rouse the appetite. It has a very sharp taste and is extensively used as a condiment. The leaves are very extensively used as a leafy, green vegetable. They are excellent sources of calcium and iron and a good source of phosphorus. They are excellent source of vitamin B, and good source of vitamin A.] Capsicum Frutescens (sem. domains: 1.5.2 - Bush, shrub, - Food from fruit.) 2To be hot and bothered, restless; to be constantly moving and can't keep still (as of somebody who is agitated, nervous, impatient or bored). [lit: to feel hot like chili] silaban Pag kahaba kag sermon it pari kung Domingo ay pay ingsisilihan kag mga tawo magliwas. If the homily of the priest is quite long on Sunday people seem to get all hot and bothered and want to go out. (sem. domains: 4.3 - Behavior.) 3To feel like kicking up one’s heels; to feel like dancing, having fun. (sem. domains: 4.2.4 - Dance.)

silab [sílab] (irreg. infl. siklab) 11.1vi To burn; singe (by the flame of something burning). ningas Pagsuga nida it kanrila nasilaban sida. When she lighted the candle she got burnt. 22.1n Flame. Kag silab it ida rabok ay abang rako. The flame of the fire he made is very big.

samantala₂ [samantalá] vt To take an opportunity; to take advantage of an opportunity. samantala Ingsasamantala nida nak katuyog pa kag anak ag magpanglaba sida. She takes the opportunity of washing clothes while the baby is asleep.

salamuskawo [salamuskáwo] adj Disorganised events and places. wala sa ayos Kag inra palabas sa plasa ay abang salamuskawo. Their program at the plaza is very disorganised.

salabat [salabát] n Ginger drink. salabát

sabat [sabát] 1n An answer to something. Syn: angal. (sem. domains: - Answer.) 2adj Answering person; answers back; talks back. sagot (sem. domains: - Answer.) 3vt To answer; to respond. Waya gisasabat katong anak sa ako dahil nahuda. That child doesn’t answer me because he’s ashamed. Mapangutana ako ag sabaton ninro. I’ll ask a question and you answer it. Aya gisabat sa imo nanay! Don’t talk back to your mother! (sem. domains: - Speak with others.) 4adj Talking back to one’s elders; keep answering back, talking; insolent. sagot Masabat kag ida anak sa eskwela kada permi nabibisar-an it maestra. In school his child keeps on talking back to his teacher so he’s always scolded. syn: labanan. (sem. domains: - Answer.) der. masabat , der. panabat , der. panabat , der. sabtanan

rilham [rilhám] vbt To flare up in anger; to get angry; to make somebody get angry. ginalit Ingrilhaman ni Rolly tong kalaban ni Lito para magsuntukan ray sinra. Rolly made Lito’s opponent so angry that they boxed each other.

rigwa [rigwâ] 1v To feel nauseous and wanting to vomit. Pay irigwa nako kag ako ininom nak tuba. I feel like vomiting the coconut wine that I have just drunk. (sem. domains: - Mouth.) 2vi To be caused to dry retch; vomit; To gag when seeing, smelling something obnoxious. suka Naparigwa sida tong makakita it patay nak ambo sa lababo. She made a gagged when she saw the dead rat on the sink. (sem. domains: - Mouth.)

radis [rádis] n White radish. labanós Kami ay nagtanom it radis sa amo garden tong kami pa ay nag-iiskwela pa. We planted radish in our garden when we were still going to school.