Search results for "nipis"

silag [silág] 1adj Transparent. masilag Masilag kag ida baro. Her dress is transparent. syn: lihim 2. 2vbt To shine through something; to penetrate (as of light). Nagsisilag kag iwag sa manipis nak kurtina. The light shines through the thin curtains.

nipis [nipís] adj Thin; transparent. Kailangan nidang magkamison nak abang nipis kag ida baro. She needs to wear a chimese because her dress is so transparent.

maramoy [marámoy] (der. of ramoy) adj Thick, as of a book; wide. syn: manipis. (sem. domains: 8.2.3 - Thick.)

manipis [manipís] adj Thin fabric. manipis Manipis kina masyado para sa imo besti. That is too thin a fabric for your costume. syn: maramoy. (sem. domains: 8.2.3 - Thick.)

hapslip [hápslip] n Halfslip; petticoat; undergarment to cover below a woman's waist. panloob Kailangan nimong magsoksok it hapslip dahil kanipis kinang imo baro. It is necessary for you to wear a halfslip because your dress is very thin. (sem. domains: 5.3.2 - Women's clothing.)

bakat [bakát] adj Visible through something (as of one's underwear being able to be seen under an intervening thin, transparent fabric, object). náaaninag Soksok it hapslip dahil abang bakat kag imo panti sa manipis nak baro. You wear a halfslip because your underwear is very visible through your thin dress. (sem. domains: - Transparent.)

binipisyo [binipísyo] n 1A benefit event (as of like a dance with sponsors who "buy" auctioned items at high prices as a way of donating money to a cause). (sem. domains: 4.2.2 - Social event.) 2Benefits; fringe, employee benefits (as of what one receives when one is a government employee). (sem. domains: 4.6 - Government, 6.1 - Work.)