Search results for "pabayabag"

pabayabag [pabayábag] (der. of bayabag) 1adj Crossways, perpendicular, at right angles to something (as of a boat turning across the bow of another); landscape, horizontal position (as of the view of photos on the computer). (sem. domains: - Horizontal.) 2v To turn, move crossways, perpendicular, at right angles to something (as of a boat turning across the bow of another); to put, turn to a landscape, horizontal position (as of the view of photos on the computer). (sem. domains: 7.3.5 - Turn something, - Horizontal.) 3v To put something across somebody's path so as to obstruct, block, prevent an action or access. (sem. domains: - Prevent from moving.) 4v To stand in the way, block, obstruct, veto, oppose a plan or action. (sem. domains: - Stop something.) 5adj Unconnected, on a different track, tangent to what was said (as of verbal responses or communication). (sem. domains: - Away from, - Ask.)