Search results for "padong"

tikop₁ [tikóp] 1adj Closed; shut. Kag ida kaheta ay tikop. Her wallet is closed. 2vi To close up, such as a flower. Nagtikopey kag mga buyak it gumamela. The gumamela flower is already closed. 3vt To close something; to close objects which are joined or hinged at one point, side (as of a book, umbrella, fan). sara Ida gingtikop kag ida padong. She closed her umbrella. Gingtikop nako kag libro. I closed the book.

takop₁ [takóp] (irreg. infl. tikop) vt To press a stud, clip on clothes; to close, fold up an umbrella. sarhan Ako atakupan katong ida padong. I will close her umbrella.

tagar [tágar] 1adj Sharp; pointed. matalim Matagar kag punta it ida padong. The far end of her umbrella is pointed. syn: tayom 1. 2vbt To sharpen (eg. a pencil). Ingtagaran nako kag ako lapis dahil sumpoey. I sharpened my pencil because it was dull.

sukbit [súkbit] 1adj Hooked over, onto into somewhere. 2vbt To put, hook something over, into some means of keeping it in place (as of knife blade in woven wall roof; umbrella over one’s arm; calendar on nail). sukbit Ako isukbit sa ringring kag husay. I’ll put the comb into the woven wall. Sukbitan sa imo abaga kag padong agor indi mawagit. You hang the umbrella over your shoulder so it won’t be lost. Asukbitan nida kag abaga it ida bag. She will hang the bag over her shoulder.

sangko [sángkò] 1sta To hit; bump against. Nasangko ako it ida padong sa mata. I was hit in the eye by her umbrella. syn: sakro 1, tapi 1, sangko 2, saplir, tapi 2. 2vt To intentionally bump against somebody. sundot Insangko it anak kag ida manghor kada natumba. The child bumped against his younger sibling therefore he fell over. syn: sangko 1, sakro 1, tapi 1, saplir, tapi 2.

padong [pádong] 1n Umbrella. páyong (sem. domains: 5.3.4 - Clothes for special occasions.) 2v To use an umbrella. (sem. domains: 5.3.4 - Clothes for special occasions.)

nak sabaling₂ [nak sabáling] 1Syn: ay di 2, kada 1, bag-o 1, tapos. 1.1conj Because…might, perhaps (as of grounds-conclusion relations) na baka Indiey ako magsuyat kang Neysa nak sabaling mag-abotey ra sida insulip. I won’t write to Neysa because she might arrive tomorrow anyway. syn: bag-o 1, indi ay 1, indi ay 2, indi ay 3. 22.1conj Lest; in case (as of contingency relations). Raya it padong nak sabaling mag-uyan. Take an umbrella in case it rains. syn: halimbawa nak.

limot₁ [límot] (irreg. infl. kalimot) 1vt To forget something; to leave something somewhere unintentionally. limutin Nakilaya nako katong kabade pero nakalimutan nako kag ida ngayan. I recognize that woman but I’ve forgotten her name. Ingbisar-an kag anak it Nanay dahil nalimutan nida kag padong sa eskwelahan. The child was scolded by mother because he forgot the umbrella at school. 2v To forsake one person for another. Kag magnubyo ay nagsumpaan nak sinra ay indi magkalimot sa usa’t usa. The bride and groom vowed that they would not forsake each other.

lampas [lámpas] 11.1adj Beyond a certain point; exceeding. 1.2vbt To pass over; go beyond a point. lampas Kabay pa nak malalampasan kami it uyan dahil waya ako’t rayang padong. I hope the rain passes over us because I didn’t bring an umbrella. 22.1prep Until; up to specific time, place. Nagmiting sinra tuna ala-una lampas sa alas sais. They were at the meeting from one o’clock up to six o’clock.

kipot [kípot] 1vt To close, constrict around mouth like opening as of an umbrella,seashell, anus of a chicken etc. Pag-abot sa bayay ingkipot nida kag padong. She closed the umbrella when she reached home. (sem. domains: 8.6.4 - Inner part.) 2adj Narrow. 3vi To become narrow; to get smaller; to get closer together (as of a wound, infected eyes, a lamp flame, a road, line of a skirt). Nagkipot kag ida sada pagtaba nida. Her skirt got smaller for her when she became fatter. 4vt To make something narrower. makipot Sinra kag nagkipot it tong karsada. They were the ones who made the street narrower. (sem. domains: - Between.) 5adj Shy. (sem. domains: - Shy, timid, - Ashamed.)

imaw [imáw] 1dem That’s the one (as of a specifying demonstrative). iyan, yan Oho, imaw kag inra bayay. Yes that one is their house. Imaw kina kag ako nawagit nak padong. That is the umbrella that I lost. (sem. domains: - Believe, - Agree with someone.) 2excl That’s right; yes(as of agreement during repartee). (Abang kusog tong bagyo.) Imaw! (That cyclone was really strong.) Yes that’s right! (sem. domains: - Agree with someone.) comp. bagoy imaw kali , id. imaw kina , id. imaw ngani , id. imaw pa