Search results for "pamidong"

pamidong vbt To frown; to look with contempt. simangot Ingpamidungan ray nida tong ida kaaway tong magkita sinra. She frowned at her enemy when they met with each other. syn: kusmor, mosmos.

mosmos [mósmos] vbt To pull a face at somebody. simangot Ingsunor nida kag ida, nanay pero sida ay nagmumosmos. She followed her mother’s command but she’s pulling a face. syn: kusmor, pamidong.

kusmor [kúsmor] (irreg. infl. kulismor) v To frown; to pout; to pull a face as when unhappy, sullen. simangot Asi ara nak ingkusmoran nida ako? Why do you think she frowned at me? syn: mosmos, pamidong. (sem. domains: - Angry.)