Search results for "pisngoy₁"

puksi [púksì] (dial. var. pusi) v To pick; to snap off, as of the leaf of a plant. pitas Ingpuksi it mga anak kag budog pang bunga it badabas. The children snapped off the new buds of the guava tree. syn: pisngoy 2. (sem. domains: 7.8.4 - Tear, rip.)

pisngoy₁ [písngoy] 1sta To chip off a small piece of something; to break off. tipik Napisngoy kag habig it pinggan. The edge of the plate was chipped off. 2vbt To chip, break off something intentionally. Apisnguyan nako it maisot kag tinapay. I’ll break off a small part from the bread. syn: puksi.