Search results for "presko"

syag-syag [syág-syag] n Bamboo slat walls with even spaces between the slats. kawayan Kapresko kag bayay nak kag ringring ay syag-syag. A house with bamboo slat walls with even spaces between is breezy.

silang [siláng] vi To hold something up so as to have the light behind it; to hold something up to the light (as of an egg in order to see any defects). silang Ingpasilag nako kag itlog sa adlaw agor maayaman kung presko o bukoey. I held the egg up to the light so as to know whether it was fresh or not. (sem. domains: 8.3.3 - Light.) der. pasilang

sikyat [sikyát] n Loosely woven bamboo enclosed area under a house (as of where poultry are enclosed at night). Kapresko magkatuyog sa sikyat nak bayay. You feel refreshed when you sleep in the loosely woven bamboo house. (sem. domains: - Fence, wall, 6.3.6 - Poultry raising.)

presko [présko] adj Crisp, breezy; fresh air. presko (sem. domains: 1.1.2 - Air.)

buk-a kag itlog [búk-a kag itlóg] (comp. of bukâ, itlog) imp Break the egg. [lit: split-open the egg] biyak ang itlog Buk-a kag itlog para maayaman kung presko pa. You crack the egg to see whether it’s still fresh. (sem. domains: 7.8.1 - Break, - Egg.)

bitamina [bitamína] n 1Vitamins. Kag preskong mga utan ay maramong bitamina kag ingtatao. Fresh vegetables give a lot of vitamins. (sem. domains: - Medicine.) 2To take vitamins. (sem. domains: - Medicine.)

yab-as [yáb-as] 11.1adj Fresh (fish). presko 22.1n Wet, fresh-cut timber, (i.e. the sap is not dried).