Search results for "puypog"

sapot₁ [sápot] 1vi To be irritated. Nasasaputan ako pag inaagit-agit pirme. I get irritated when I’m always teased. syn: napika, ugot 1.2. 2adj Irritating. inís Kasasapot ka imo puypog sa lamesa! Your tapping on the table is very irritating!

puypog [púypog] vbt To tap or hit lightly with something; to pound. palo Aya gipuypuga it lapis kag lamesa nak kasasapot. Don’t tap the pencil on the table because it is irritating. Apuypugon nako kaling rahon bag-o itampoy sa ugar. I will pound these leaves before applying it to the wound. der. pamuypog