Search results for "rani"

túmpoy [túmpoy] n A blow to the cranium, top of the head. (sem. domains: 7.7.1 - Hit.)

sumpong₂ [súmpong] vt To come across something or somebody; to meet. sumpong Nasumpong nako sida tahapon. I met him yesterday. syn: rani.

rani [ranî] vt To find; see (usually by chance); come across. kita Nakarano ako it baligyang mais sa merkado. I was able to find some corn for sale in the market. Waya kami it naranuan nak isra sa merkado. We didn’t find any fish in the market. Waya naranoe it mananakaw kag mga binuyar nak yamit. No thief found the clothes on the line and stole them. syn: sumpong.

granil [graníl] n Timber marker which has adjustable pegs of wood to draw straight lines parallel with edges of timber. Kag karpentiro ay naggamit it granil para magtadlong tong ida ingyayagari. A carpenter uses a timber marker so that he can saw the wood straight. (sem. domains: 1.5.1 - Tree, - Wood, - Lumbering, 1.2.1 - Land, 1.5.5 - Parts of a plant.)

granada₁ [granáda] n Fruit species; pomegranite, guava type fruit. granada (sem. domains: - Food from fruit.)

bungo [bungô] n Skull; cranium. bungo (sem. domains: 2.1.1 - Head.)