Search results for "tagam"

tawan [táwan] n Fruit species; similar to the jackfruit or kamansi, often cooked as a vegetable with coconut milk. Waya pa ako nakakatagam it tawan. I have never tasted a vegetable similar to jack fruit. (sem. domains: - Food from fruit.)

tagam [tagám] 11.1vt To taste something. tikim Atagman nako kag imo yuto, ha? I’ll taste what you cooked, okay? Nakatagamey baga ikaw it tapoy? Have you tasted black sticky rice yet? 22.1vt To experience something. Ya pa nako natagmi magsakay sa eroplano. I haven’t yet experienced riding in an airplane. Patagma sida it lapo agor indi sida magliwat. Give him a taste of the whip so he won’t repeat what he did.

pisang [písang] vt To cut into halves. hati Apisangon nako kaling tsokolate para sa ako ruhang manghor agor parehong makatagam. I’ll cut this chocolate into halves so my two brothers can taste it. syn: bika 2, bukâ 1.

pangabayo [pangabáyo] v To ride on a horse. nangabayo Ako ay nakatagam it pangabayo pagpagto nako sa San Jose. I was able to try riding on a horse when I went to San Jose.