Search results for "tahor₁"

tahor₁ [táhor] 1n Respect; the way respect is shown; address of respect. (sem. domains: - Pleased with.) 2adj Respectful person. 3vt To show, act with respect (as to ones elders). igagalang Dapat natong tahuron kag ato maguyang. We ought to show respect to our parents. Ato atahuron kag bandira pag ingiisa parayan sa pagtinrog. We’ll show respect to the flag when it is being raised by standing. Atahuron nako kag imo bisaya kung imo ra atahuron kag ako. I’ll respect what you’ll say if you’ll respect mine too. (sem. domains: 3.6.1 - Show, explain, - Pleased with.) der. talahuron