Search results for "tubas"

yad-ang [yád-ang] v To dry out the last bit of moisture in the sun (as of rice). binilad Kag tanan ninrang tubas nak payay ay ingyad-ang anay bag-o taguon. All their harvest was dried out of the last bit of moisture before it was stacked away.

tubo₃ [túbò] v To profit from something. tubo, gana Ingpatubuan pa ra katong bugas ninra ay sarili ra katong tubas. They still made a big profit in the rice anyway it’s their own harvest. (sem. domains: - Make profit.)

pesti [pésti] 1n Epidemic; plague pests; calamity. Kag inra uma ay inabot it pesti it mga ambo. Their corn farm was plagued by rats. (sem. domains: 2.5.1 - Sick.) 2v To get an infectious, contagious illness; to suffer an epidemic. pesti Napesti it mga uyor kag amo mais kitang waya kami it natubas. Our corn grains suffered an epidemic of worms that’s why we got no harvest. (sem. domains: 2.5.1 - Sick, 1.5.7 - Plant diseases.)

pakinabang₁ [pakinábang] 1n Usefulness. Ya pakinabang kaling anak. This child is useless. 2vt To use something; to have, make use of something. pakinabang Ya napakinabangi kag amo isra dahil yagokey. Our fish has no usefulness because it’s already rotten. Aragkuan kag simbahan agor mapakinabangan kag kwarta nak gingparaya. The church will be enlarged in order to make use of the money that was sent. Nakapakinabangey ra kamo dili sa tubas it lanas kami ray ngasing. You had already made use of this riceland and its again our turn now. syn: prubitsar.

matimgas [matímgas] adj Plump grains. malusog Marako kag inra tubas ngasing dahil matimgas kag mga uhay it payay. They had a big harvest this time because of the plump heads of rice.

amatong [amátong] 1n A very large basket for storing grain, root crops or vegetables (as of after harvest); a basket granary that will hold 24 sacks of rice. (sem. domains: - Store the harvest.) 2vt To store grain, root crops or vegetables in a very large basket (as of after harvest). inimbak Inra ing-amatong kag inra bag-ong tubas nak payay. They stored their newly-harvested rice in their basket granary. (sem. domains: - Store the harvest.)

tubas [tubás] 1n Harvest; yield: things grown. (sem. domains: 6.2.5 - Harvest.) 2v To yield, produce (as of harvested crops). ani (sem. domains: 6.2.5 - Harvest.) der. panubas

yukton [yuktón] n LOcust. Karamong yukton kag nagkaon sa inra payay kada kaisot kag inra tubas. Lots of locusts ate their rice that’s why they have a small harvest.