Search results for "tupar₂"

tupar₂ [tupár] 1loc Besides; next to. Sio kinang nagiingkor sa tupar nida? Who is that sitting next to her? 2vbt To sit or stand beside somebody or something. tabihan Aya gitupar sa ako nak ako ay inainitan. Don’t sit beside me because I’m hot. Ingtuparan ako it kayaki sa bangko tong nagmumuyat ako sa sine. A man sat next to me on the bench when I was watching the movie. 3vt To place somebody/something next to somebody/something else. Ingtupar nako kag anak sa ida manong nak naghihigra sa katri. I put the child next to his older brother who was sleeping on the bed. der. katupar

katupar₂ [katupár] loc One seated beside somebody. katabi Sida it ako katupar pagmuyat it sine. He was my seatmate when we saw the movie. syn: karuyon. (sem. domains: 7.1.2 - Sit, 2 - Person, - Next to.)

karuyon [karúyon] loc Nearby; beside. Boundary of land. kalapit Kag ida tula nak gingkomposo ay magagamit sa mga karuyong lugar. The poems he composed are also used in nearby towns. syn: katupar. (sem. domains: - Near, - Beside, 4.1.4 - Neighbor.)