Search results for "udap"

udap [údap] vbt To shake, winnow rice to remove the tiny broken grains. tahip Udapi it maado ng bugas agor limpyo nak gador. Winnow the rice well so it will really be clean. syn: tahop.

tahop [tahóp] vbt To winnow rice in a flat basket. magtahíp Atahupon nako it maado ling bugas. I will winnow this rice well. syn: udap. (sem. domains: - Winnow grain.)

pangudapot [pangudapót] adj To cling, as of a child hugging hanging onto, one's mother. (sem. domains: 5.9 - Live, stay.)

kudap [kudáp] v To be nervous, to react with fear to bad news; to panic; to be anxious, worried. Ingkudap ako sa balita nak nabaril kag gobernador it ida gwardya. I reacted with concern to the bad news that the Governor was shot by his guard. (sem. domains: - Nervous.)

kudapir [kudapír] n Fruits that don't develop fully. (sem. domains: - Food from plants, 1.5.7 - Plant diseases.)