Search results for "ugat it amo away"

ugat₁ [ugát] 11.1v Motive for doing something. Kag naging-ugat it katong imo inghuman ay hili. The motive for what you did was jealousy. (sem. domains: - Reason.) 22.1n Cause of our fight. ugat Kag ida pagsinugay kag ugat it amo away permi. His gambling vice is the cause of our fight always. (sem. domains: 4.8.2 - Fight.)

ugat it amo away [ugát it ámò áway] idiom - Convert to subentry Cause one who caused our fight. ugat nang aming away kag ida pag-ininom it perming ugat it amo away. His drinking habit is always the cause of our fight.