Search results for "alambri"

yakar [yákar] v To step, skip, go over something (as of stepping over an object or skipping pages when reading). Magyakar sa alambri para indi magsangit kag baro. Step over the wire so your dress won’t get caught on it. (sem. domains: - Move past, over, through.) der. yakaran

gisgis [gísgis] llcr: gayor. vi To graze one’s skin; to scrape one’s skin. galos Nagisgis sida it alambri nak inghigot sa kuray. She was grazed on her skin by the wire that was tied on the fence. syn: gasgas 1, girgir. (sem. domains: 2.1.4 - Skin, 7.9.1 - Damage.)

alambri [alámbri] n Wire (as of the general term for all wire used in building, clothes lines etc). (sem. domains: 6.5.3 - Building materials.)