Search results for "baktason"

ranotnot [ranótnot] adj Close together (as of space or time intervals). dikit-dikit Nagnunot akong sador nak maramong sihi ka amo mababaoy sa baktason it Tugbungan nak kung riin ranotnot sa kabatuhan,.. I went with them because I knew where we could go along the shore in Tugbungan to get a lot of seashells that were close together on the rocks,...

baktason [baktáson] (der. of baktas) n 1The distance somebody hikes to reach somewhere. (sem. domains: 8.2.6 - Distance.) 2Seashore along which one hikes, like a road; the distance one hikes along a path. dalampasigan Kag bal-ong ay usang gatos nak tikang halin sa baktason kung rako ka taob. The well is one hundred steps from the seashore if it’s high tide. (sem. domains: - Island, shore.)