Search results for "hakwat"

yagtik [yágtik] v To have one’s bones make a cracking noise when moving; to crack (as of the noise of moving bones). tunog Nagyagtik tong ida hawak tong maghakwat sida it pangarga. His lips cracked when he carried all the cargo.

tikasog [tikásog] vbt To be concerned for somebody. Ginpantikasugan nida kag raya ni Elvie baling hakwaton it mga hornal. He showed concern for Elvie’s things which the stevedors might carry without their knowledge.

kaya [káya] 1adv To be able to do something; be able to bear something (grief, hard work, etc.) káya Kaya nida nak maghakwat it usang pasong nak bugas. He’s able to lift up a cavan of rice. Kaya nako. I can do it. Indi nako makaya. I can’t endure. Waya kami it kaya. We don’t have the means. Indi kaya. It can’t be done. (sem. domains: 7.3.1 - Carry.) 2vbt able to ___ Kung makakayahan nako magsuyat it Ingles ay ako ahimuon. If I can write in English, I’ll do it. Sigurado sida nak makakaya nida kag ingtaong trabaho sa ida. She’s sure that she’s able to do the work given her. Nagbikti sida dahil waya nida nakayahi kag ida kalisor. She committed suicide because she wasn’t able to bear her grief. (sem. domains: - Can, 7.3.1 - Carry.)

hakwat [hákwat] vt To move an entire object by lifting (usually to a new place); to carry, lift a large object. inilipat, karga, kinarga Inghakwat kag inra bayay sa bag-ong lugar. Their house was moved to a new place. (sem. domains: - Pull.)