Search results for "inanak"

waya giumira [wayâ giumíra] (id. of umir) v To not include, implicate, be part of, accomplice in something evil. damay Waya gusto ni Lito nak maumir sa inra pagbaligya it mga pinanakawan. Lito didn’t want to have a part with them in selling stolen the things.

inanak [inának] (der. of anak) 1n Offspring; descendants; children. (sem. domains: - Related by birth.) 2v To act childishly. Nagiinanak sida pag nagiidamo sa ida mga manghor. She acts childishly when playing with her younger siblings. (sem. domains: - Child.)

hinanakit [hinanakít] n A grudge; grievance; hard feelings. hinanakit Indi ako magsuor sa inra habang di hinanakit pa sida sa ako. I won’t approach them as long as he still has a grudge towards me. (sem. domains: - Jealous, - Angry, - Dislike.)