Search results for "kahig"

usang kahig usang tuka [úsang káhig úsang tukâ] (say. of tuka) saying - Convert to subentry Poor; ‘hand to mouth’ existence (lit: ‘one scratch one peck’ which can be varied by different words used with kahig and tukâ. see káhig tukâ). Ako ay waya gusto it ida nanay para sa ida anak dahil nak kami ay usang kahig usang tuka yang. His mother didn’t like me for her son because we are poor.

pangkahig [pangkáhig] n Rake. kalaykáy

latay [látay] vbt To walk on something that is raised such as a bridge or gangplank. nanulay Naglatay tong madyikiro sa pisi nak nakahigot sa poste. The magician walked on the rope tied to the posts. syn: talaytay, tulaytay.

kahig tuka [kahíg tuká] (id. of kahig) idiom - Convert to subentry Poor; ‘hand to mouth’ existence. mahirap (sem. domains: - Poor.)

kahig [káhig] 1n A rake. (sem. domains: 5.6.5 - Sweep, rake.) 2vi To scratch in the dirt, specifically of chickens. kahig Perming nagkakahig dili sa amo kag inra mga manok. Their chickens are always scratching in the dirt here at our place. (sem. domains: - Animal movement, - Chicken.) 3vbt To rake something up from somewhere. Kahiga baga kag mga likot sa rayaag. Please rake the trash in the yard. (sem. domains: 5.6.5 - Sweep, rake.) id. kahig tuka

gotgot₂ [gótgot] v To untie, undo slowly with a sharp instrument. hiwa Inggotgot it priso kag kadenang nakahigot sa ida. With a knife the prisoner slowly undid the chain which tied him to him. (sem. domains: - Amputate, - Weapon, shoot, - Bribe, 4.3.6 - Self-controlled, - Eating utensil, - Take by force, - Mistake, - Steal, - Cooking utensil, 6.7.1 - Cutting tool.)