Search results for "lababo"

tiltil [tíltil] v 1To chip away part of something made of rock, cement. tiltil Atiltilon anay nako kag semento sa lababo bag-o butangan it tiles. I’ll chip away part of the cement in the sink before putting on tiles. Gusto nakong makatapos it pageskwela agor indi ako magtiltil it asin sa huli. I want to finish my studies so I won’t suffer life’s hardships someday. [There is an idiomatic usage meaning “to suffer life’s hardships” matiltil it asin (lit: to-chip salt)] (sem. domains: - Room.) 2To engrave stone, marble. (sem. domains: - Furrow.)

rigwa [rigwâ] 1v To feel nauseous and wanting to vomit. Pay irigwa nako kag ako ininom nak tuba. I feel like vomiting the coconut wine that I have just drunk. (sem. domains: - Mouth.) 2vi To be caused to dry retch; vomit; To gag when seeing, smelling something obnoxious. suka Naparigwa sida tong makakita it patay nak ambo sa lababo. She made a gagged when she saw the dead rat on the sink. (sem. domains: - Mouth.)

panghugasan [panghugásan] n Sink. hugasan syn: lababo.

lababo [labábo] n Sink. labábo syn: panghugasan.

banggerahan [banggerahán/banggéra] n Recessed bamboo shelf for washing and storing dishes in a kitchen. [inflectional variants] batalan, lababo [This is made of bamboo slats that have spaces between so that the water can drain away between them. It is the traditional sink, preparation and utensil storage area of the kitchen.] (sem. domains: 6.5.2 - Parts of a building.)

yumar [yúmar] v To unnecessarily put, lay something dirty against something clean. pina-upî Ingpayumar yang nida tong isra sa lababo kitang kinaon it uning. She just laid that uncleaned fish in the sink that’s why it was eaten by the cat.