Search results for "taba"

wayat kabusganan [wayá't kabúsganan] (irreg. infl. wayat kabusgan) idiom - Convert to subentry Endless appetite; a bottomless pit. walang kabusugan Kada kataba naong anak ay pay waya’t kabusganan sida kung nakaon. That child is very fat because he seems to have an endless appetite when eating.

tuyar [tuyár] (irreg. infl. tyar) 11.1adv Like; similar to (as of comparisons of equality). kagaya Sida ay tuyar nako it taas. She is like me in height. Tuyar sa uyan ka ida yuha. Her tears fell like rain. Tuyar kali ka ako baro. My dress is like this. syn: pareho, hawig, ambit 1, tugma, parehas 1. (sem. domains: - And, also, - Evaluator, - Combinative relation.) 22.1vbt To imitate, copy something; to mimic. ganitó, ganiyán,gayahin Patuyari ako siling ni Pablo. Imitate me said Paul. Aya gipatuyari kag ako bisaya. Don’t mimic how I speak. Apatuyaron nako kag tabas it ako baro sa imo. I will copy the style of my dress from yours. der. patuyaran

tabuno [tabúnò] adj Bulbous. mataba Si Meriel ay abang tabuno it uda. Meriel has a bulbous face.

tabawon [tabáwon] n Colicy baby; person with wind, gas in the stomach. (sem. domains: 2.6.3 - Birth, 2.6.4 - Stage of life, - Swell.)

tabatsing-tsing [tabatsing-tsíng] n Fat child.(colloquial). (sem. domains: 2.5 - Healthy.)

tabaw [tábaw] v To have gas, wind pains; to have colic (as of in the stomach). kabag Nagpakauwang kag anak dahil ingtatabawan. The child cried a lot because he had gas pains. syn: kulibra.

tabas [tábas] 1n Design; cut of clothes; style of dress. 2vbt To cut according to a design (specifically clothes). tabas Ingtabasan nida it buyak katong ida ingtahi nak punra. She cut flower designs and sewed them on her pillowcases. 3n Rag; cloth left over (after dressmaking). Igwa it mga tinabas sa punta it suyo. There are rags on the end of the torch.

taban [tában] vt To carry something in the mouth. Ingtaban ni Brandy tong ako tsinelas. Brandy carried my slippers in his mouth. (sem. domains: - Escape.)

tabang [tábang] vbt To help; to assist; to come to somebody’s rescue. saklolo Atabangan nato si Maring sa pag-anak. We will assist Maring in her giving birth. Pag igwa’t kayaki nak masaka sa inro bayay ag ausa ikaw, iukaw nimo nak “Tabang! Tabangi ako!”. If a man should come up into your house and you are all alone, shout “Help! Help me!”.

tabako [tabáko] n Tobacco leaves. Si Netnet ay nagrubya it tabako. Netnet rolled tobacco leaves to make a cigarette.

tabakong [tabakóng] n Cockroach. ípis (sem. domains: - Insect.)

tabaku n It makes an excellent cigar fillers. The midribs and powdered leaves of Philippine tobaccos are used by Chinese for producing lye to be used in making soap. The fresh leaves are used in poultices as a sedative and maturative. A decoction of the dried leaves is used for enemas for expelling certain intestinal worms. tabaco Nicotiana Tabacum

taba [tabâ] 1n Fat (as of physical "fat" on animals and people). tabâ [Traditionally fat is seen as a sign of good health, wealth and being well fed. The fat from meat is cooked in various ways as a favored, tasty food.] (sem. domains: - Food from animals, - Fat person, - Cooking oil.) 2adj Fatty; fat (as of physically "fat" part of animals and people). (sem. domains: - Food from animals, - Fat person.) 3v To get, grow fat (as of an animal, person getting fat); to put on weight (person). (sem. domains: - Food from animals, - Fat person, - Grow, get bigger.) 4adj Fat, healthy, well (as of a good feature in all healthy living things e.g. plants, animals, people). matabâ [Traditionally fat is seen as a sign of good health and wealth that allows one to eat well.] (sem. domains: 1.5 - Plant, 2.5 - Healthy, - Fat person, 1.6 - Animal.) 5v To get, grow fat, bigger, well (as of healthy growth in all living things e.g. plants, animals, people). (sem. domains: 1.5 - Plant, 2.5 - Healthy, - Fat person, 1.6 - Animal, - Grow, get bigger.) 6adj Fertile, rich, good (as of soil). (sem. domains: - Soil, dirt.) comp. matabang raga , der. mataba

tab-ang [táb-ang] 1adj Tasteless; flat (as of food); weak (as of wine); brackish water. Kag tubi sa suba ay matab-ang. The water in the river is tasteless. (sem. domains: 1.3.6 - Water quality.) 2v To make it tasteless. matabang Atab-angan yang nako kag ako yuto dahil di sakit sida sa bato. I’ll make my cooked vegetable tasteless because he has kidney trouble.

sunor-sunor₂ [sunor-sunór] 11.1v To copy, imitate, follow a pattern. Asunuran nako kag ida tabas. I’ll copy the design from her dress. Ikaw permi ay ako asunuron. You’ll be the one I’ll follow always. 2obedient 2.1adj Obedient; conforming to one’s wishes; in agreement. 2.2vt To obey somebody in something one does; to conform to somebody’s wishes about something. susunod Asunuron nida kag tugra it ida nanay. He’ll obey his mother’s advice. Asunuran kono nida kag hiwas it mga kabatan-on ngasing. He said that he’ll conform to the ways of the youth today. 3adv Repeatedly; one right after another. Nagpayupok sida it sunor-sunor. He fired shots repeatedly. Ingpapasunor kag mga eskwela it mga maestra bag-o magsaka sa ‘stage’. The children are being lined up by the teachers before going up on the stage. Ipasunor anay nako kaling mga bisaya bag-o ahanapon sa diksyonario. I will first alphabetize these words before looking for them in the dictionary. der. sulunranon , der. sunranan/sinunranan

sakripisyo [sakripísyo] vt To sacrifice oneself or something; to deny oneself something. sakripisyo Ingsakripisyo ni Abraham kag ida mataba ag puting karnero. Abraham sacrificed his fat, white sheep.

rubya₃ [rúbya] (dial. var. yubra) v To roll tobacco leaf cigarette. balot nang tabaco sa papel Nagrubya anay si Ebing bag-o mag-idamo it madyong. Ebing rolled a tobacco leaf cigarette first before playing majong. (sem. domains: 5.2.4 - Tobacco.)

rubya₁ [rúbya] vt To roll tobacco leaves to make a cigarette, cigar. Bag-o sida magpamunak ay nagrurubya anay sida it tabako. Before she starts washing clothes, she rolls tobacco leaves to make a cigarette. syn: bayubar 2.

puso₁ [pusô] 1n Hair in a twisted knot, bun or caught into a tail, pigtails etc. (especially on the back or top of the head or neck. These twists of hair can be left plain or decorated with colored cloth ties, jewels, combs or nets etc.). tali (sem. domains: - Hairstyle.) 2v To twist, tie hair into a knot, bun or catch it back into a tail, up into pigtails etc.. tinali Kag tabako ay napusoey bago ibuyar. The tobacco leaves are twisted before it is dried. Ingpupuso ninra kag anit it mais nak ahumanon nak pamahiran. The husk of corn are twisted to be used as doormats. (sem. domains: - Plait hair.) 3n Ear, cob of corn or maize plants (as of one which is full of grain, kernels). (sem. domains: - Growing maize, 1.5.5 - Parts of a plant.) 4v To twist something, such as leaves, cloth or string to make mats etc.. (sem. domains: - Cordage.) comp. ingpakig-usa ka inra mga puso , comp. puso it mais

purya hangin₁ [púrya hángin] excl Touch wood! God forbid! (lit:‘except for wind’). huwag sanang mahanginan Purya hangin baga kag inro anak nak nataba. Touch wood won’t you but your child has got fat.

prino₁ [príno] 1adj Controlled reaction. 2vbt To control one’s desire to react (as to a challenge to fight). Indi ka giprinuhan ni Aida pag imaw sida ka imo ing-akat mag-away. Aida won’t hold back if you challenge her to a fight. Ya nida naprinuhi kag ida kagusto magkaon, kada nagtaba sida lalo. She wasn’t able to control her desire to eat, so she became fatter.

pior [píor] 1adj Tightly rolled; compact roll (as of tobacco). 2v To tightly roll. pilipit Ingpior ni Emma tong tabako bag-o mamaon. Emma tightly rolled the tobacco before chewing it.

panunor [panunór] v To take after, resemble somebody in appearance, traits. mana Kag mga anak ni Norma ay nagpanunor sa ida it kataba. Norma’s children take after her in being fat. (sem. domains: 7.4.3 - Get.)

palitis₁ [palítis] v To treat a nail wound with local medicine (as of made from tobacco dipped in oil which is heated and dropped into a wound from rusty metal to prevent tetanus). Kag suag ni Doming ay gingpalitisan it tabako ag lana para indi sida matitanus. The hole were something dug into Doming was treated with tobacco and oil medication so he wouldn’t get tetanus. (sem. domains: - Medicinal plants.)

nakarano ka it matabang isrâ [nakaranô ka it matabáng isrâ] (comp. of rano) say You made a good catch; you struck it lucky; you got a good one, as of marrying a wealthy man (lit. you tame-across a fat fish). (sem. domains: - Lucky.)