Search results for "ugae"

ugae ay [ugáe ay] (id. of ugai) conj Because it turned out that; so that’s why something happened. Gutomey kag ida anak ugae ay nagtibaw. It turned out that the child was hungry so that’s why he cried. [This conjunction states the belated recognition of the cause of some event.]

ugai [ugái] (irreg. infl. ugae) conj Because it turned out that; so that’s why something happened; but, however the kaya pala

So that’s why that happened!
...ako ing-batak, gingpando nak ugae masyadong atras ako.... I folded up the sail, and fixed it because it turned out that I was really short of time…. Waya kag uning gikatuyog sa katri ugaey gusto nida sa suyor it aparador. The cat didn’t sleep on the bed but she wanted to sleep in the cupboard. Ugae ay buko malasa kag utan, nalimutan nidang asinan. The reason that the utan isn’t delicious, is that she forgot to put salt in it.
id. ugae ay

ugae [ugáe] irreg. infl. of ugai

lilas [lílas] 1n Strips of fiber to be woven into something. (sem. domains: 1.5.5 - Parts of a plant.) 2v To divide, split palm leaves into fibers that can be woven. Alilason nako kaling mga ugaey nak buri. I will make strips out of this already dried buri leaves. (sem. domains: 1.5.5 - Parts of a plant.) der. lilasan

lampas kag mata [lámpas kag matá] idiom - Convert to subentry Eyes look straight past, through me and didn’t see me. Abi nako ay nagmumuyat si Nilo sa ako ugae ay lampas kag mata sa ako. I thought Nilo was looking at me but he didn’t see me because his eyes looked straight past me.