Browse Vernacular - English



lista [lísta] vbt To list, write something on a list. lista Alistahon nako kag ako abakyon agor indi malimutan. I’ll list the things to buy so that they won’t be forgotten. der. listahan
listahan (der. of lista) n A list notebook.
listo [lísto] adj 1Alert; smart. listo, laging handa Marali tudluan kag listo nak anak. It’s easy to teach a smart child. Listo sida sa pagpanimati sa maestra. She’s alert at listening to the teacher. Syn: alisto 1; syn: but-anan 1. (sem. domains: - Prepare something for use.) 2To prepare; to get something ready. (sem. domains: - Prepare something for use.) der. alisto
liston₁ [listón] n The water line of a boat. kasko
liston₂ [líston] 1n Shoelace. 2vt To put a shoelace on a shoe or tie a shoelace. táli ng sapátos Alistonan nako tong sapatos nida. I’ll put a shoelace on his shoes.
liswi [liswi] n Shell sp., Blood-mouth Conch. [p44] Strombus luhuanus Linne (Abbott). (sem. domains: - Small animals.)
litik₁ [litík] 1n A crack in something (as of eggshell, bottle). lamat Kag amo nabakay nak itlog ay inggwa it litik. The eggs I bought had a crack in it. 2v To crack, split (as of clay jar, plastic bucket, china cup). Naglitik kag boti tong nagbangga sa pader. The bottle cracked when it bumped the cement wall.
litik₂ [litík] v To crack (as in glass, china). Pagbutang nida it mainit nak sabaw sa mayukong ay naglitik. When she put hot soup in the bowl it cracked.
liting [líting] n Rope lines used to lay, mark out the parameters of a construction. Gamiti it liting kag inro trabaho para indi magkibag. Use rope lines to mark out your work so it won’t be crooked. syn: lisa.
lito [litó] v To be, feel confused. (sem. domains: - Confused.) der. kalilito
litob₁ [lítob] n Small clams with a ripple shell. Kag paborito nak yutuon ni Teeny ay litob. The favorite dish which Teeny cooks is small clams with a ripple shell.
litob₂ [lítob] n Small thick shelled clam shells (as of 2.5cm across found along the water’s edge). Karamong litob sa baybay. There are many small clams along the sea shore. (sem. domains: - Small animals.)
litog-litog [litog-litóg] (dial. var. minos-minos) n No permanent address. Lacking in mental intelligence, as of a mental in a dequacy. (sem. domains: - Move back and forth.)
litra [lítra] n Letters of the alphabet. Inggwa it beynte nak litra sa Pilipinas. There are twenty letters in the Filipino alphabet.
litrato₁ [litráto] 1n A photograph. (sem. domains: 5.1.2 - Household decoration.) 2v To take a photograph of something, somebody. larawan, litrato Alitratuhon nako kag pagsugbo it adlaw. I’ll take a photograph of the setting sun. (sem. domains: 5.1.2 - Household decoration.) der. palitrato
litrato₂ [litráto] irreg. infl. of retrato
litro [lítro] n A little measurement. litro Kag litro it gasolina ay tig syetey kuno. A litre of gasoline costs seven pesos.
litse [lítse] n Sperm. punláy
litson [litsón] 1n Roast pig, chicken, duck or turkey. (sem. domains: - Food from animals.) 2vbt To roast on spit (as of pig, chicken, duck, turkey etc). maglitsón Alitsunon nako tong usang manok sa Sabado. I’ll roast one chicken on Saturday. (sem. domains: - Food from animals.) der. litsunon
litson-kawali [litsón-kawáli] n Pork that has previously been boiled in water ready for roasting. (sem. domains: - Meat.)
litsunon (der. of litson) n The thing to be roasted.
liw-as [líw-as] v To keep somebody away from trouble; to rescue somebody. Maado gani si Tawi ay naliw-as ni Ronel sa mga maton. It’s a blessing that Tawi was kept away from trouble from the gangsters by Ronel.
liwag [liwág] 1n Ladle. sandok Ikayo kag liwag it otan./Kayoha kag utan it liwag. Stir the vegetables with the ladle. (sem. domains: - Cooking utensil.) 2vt To stir with a ladle (as of food). Waya nida giliwaga kag suya kada nakama (also means “spoiled”). She didn’t stir the accompanying dish with a ladle (so used her hand) so it spoiled. (sem. domains: - Serve food, - Cooking utensil.) comp. liwag-liwag
liwag-liwag (comp. of liwag) v To stir constantly with a ladle. Kahinangyan bagang liwag-liwagon nako agor indî magkurta kag gata? Do I need to stir it constantly with the ladle so that the coconut milk won’t curdle.
liwas [liwás] 1loc Out; outside. labas Abuyaron nako kaling yamit sa liwas. I’ll hang these clothes to dry outside. syn: yuaw. 2vi To go outside. Nag-uyan katong nagpapangliwasey kag mga tawo sa simbahan. It started to rain just as the people went out of the church. 3vt To take or bring something outside. Ato ipaliwas kaling ingkuran. Let’s take these chairs outside. 4vt To let out (a meeting, school, etc); to dismiss. Nagpangliwasan nak raan kag mga klase dahil sa bagyo. Classes were dismissed immediately because of the typhoon. Ingpaliwas ni Mr. Fortu kag mga klase. Mr. Fortu dismissed classes. Niong oras gipapangliwas kag mga eskwela? What time are the students dismissed? Waya pa baga napangliwasan sa simbahan? Isn’t church out yet? 5n Dismissal time. Aya gipaliwasa kaling ako bisaya sa iba. Don’t let what I said out to others. Maskin nio kag natatabo, waya gador nida gipapaliwasan kag ida kahangit. No matter what happens, she never expresses her anger. Pagkapangutana sa ida it mga pulis, nagliwas nak sida kag nagpanakaw sa amo manok. After he was questioned by the police it came out that he was the one who stole our chicken. 6n To get rid of by spitting (expectorant) der. liniwasan , id. anak sa liwas