Search results for "nako"

sayor₁ [sáyor] v To gather water; to gather a dripping liquid (as for coconut wine). sahod Asayuron nako kag tubi sa gripo. I’ll gather water from the faucet. syn: takuri. (sem. domains: - Spring, well, 1.5.5 - Parts of a plant.)

sawsaw [sáwsaw] 1n Dips for food (usually a sauce into which the food is dipped prior to eating). sawsawan Kag suka ag tuyo ay sawsawan. Vinegar and soy sauce are food dips. Ahanraon nako kag sawsawan it karne. I will make a dip for the meat. [Foods used as dips are e.g. vinegar (súkà), soy sauce (túyo).] (sem. domains: 5.2.3 - Types of food.) 2v To dip something into a liquid to make it soft and tasty. sawsaw Ingsawsaw nida tong mga yuma nak tinapay sa gatas para ihalo sa gulaman. She dipped the old bread in milk solution to mix it with the gelatin. (sem. domains: 5.2.3 - Types of food.) 3v To have illicit sexual relations with someone. (sem. domains: - Sexual immorality.)

saruso [sarúso] 11.1vt To attack somebody; to lunge at, come towards suddenly. Ingsaruso ako it inra baktin pagkatabog nako sa ida. Their pig lunged at me instantly when I drove it away. 22.1vt To attack, accuse verbally. Asing ingsaruso ako nimo ay waya pa ra nimo naayami kung sin-o kag sala? Why did you attack me when you don’t even know yet who was at fault?

sara₁ [sará] (irreg. infl. sira) vbt To close something such as a door or window. sara Ingsarhan nako kag hagran sa ako kwarto. I closed the door of my room. (sem. domains: - Shut, close.)

sapoy₁ [sapóy] vt To fetch, pick up, come and get somebody (so as to take them back with one to where one came from). súndò Asapuyon nato si Ana sa simbahan. We’ll pick up Ana at the church. Ipasapoy baga ako o mapagto ako sa inro? Will you have me fetched or should I come to your place? Nasapoy nako sida sa may panaderia. I met her near the bakery. (sem. domains: - Take something from somewhere.)

saog₂ [sáog] 11.1n Dry dock 1.2vt To carry a boat ashore or carry it to the water. Sauga kinang baroto! Bring that boat ashore! Asaugon nako kag baruto nak mapamunit ako. I will put the boat into the water because I will go fishing. syn: haas, alimpuwas, takas 2. 22.1vt To lift and carry or transport something from one place to another; to get, obtain and then transport somewhere. Hariin kamo nasaog it kahoy? Where do you get your wood? syn: hakot.

santik [sántik] vbt To light a match; to strike a match (using matchbox.) sindi Asindihan nako kag palito. I will light the match on the matchbox.

sanrok [sánrok] (irreg. infl. sandrok) 1n Dish up portion of cooked food given, shared by somebody. (sem. domains: - Give, donate, - Serve food.) 2vt To dish up, serve cooked food from a pot with a utensil (especially of meat and vegetable). magháin Asanrukon nako kag suya sa pinggan. I’ll dish up the viand onto the plate. syn: sukar. (sem. domains: - Give, donate, - Serve food.) 3vt To dish up a portion, share of cooked food and give it to someone (as for them to take home and eat, or to have it sent to their home for them to eat). (sem. domains: - Serve food.) 4vt To each share, exchange a dish of cooked food with eachother. (sem. domains: - Serve food.) der. isanrok , der. pagsanrok , der. pangsanrok , der. pasanrok

sangla [sánglà] vt to mortgage; to pawn something; to use as collateral when borrowing money. sangla Ingsangla nako kag ako kulintas tong naubusan ako it kwarta sa Manila. I pawned my necklace when I ran short of money in Manila. syn: prinda.

sang-it [sáng-it] 1vi To become caught on something; to snag. sangit Nagsangit kag ilisi sa bato. The propeller got snagged on the rocks. 2vt To hang something, attach something to something, such as hanging something on a nail or peg. sabit Isangit nako kag ako isra sili sa lansang. I’ll hang my fish here on this nail.

sanay [sánay] (dial. var. bag-er) 11.1adj Adjusted to; accustomed to; used to. 1.2vbt To be used to; to accustomed to. sanay Nasanayey ako sa isra. I’m used to fish. Nasanayan nako nak magbaktas. I’m used to hiking. 22.1adj Fluent; well trained in something; skilled. 2.2vt To practice; to train somebody to do something. Nagsasanay ako it ako kantahon para sa kontest. I’m practicing my song I’ll sing for the contest. Ako kag nagsanay sa ida magyuto it Amerikanong pagkaon. I’m the one who trained her to cook American food. Asanayon it maestra kag mga anak magkanta it kali. The children will be trained by the teachers to sing this.

sampan₃ [sámpan] vbt To stack plates up before washing them. sampan, patong-patong Pagkasampan atunaaney kag paghugas. When the plates are stacked we will begin washing them. Asampanan nako kag mga pinggan it baso. I will stack the glasses on top of the plates.

sampan₂ [sámpan] vbt To stack (inside each other or one on top of the other). patong-patong Asampanon anay nako kag mga nilinuan bag-o kita maghúgas. I will stack the scraped dishes before we wash them. Asampanan nako kag mga pinggan it platito. I will stack the saucers on the plates.

samo [sámò] vbt To moisten rice with a liquid (soup, soy sauce); to sprinkle something with water to moisten or soften something. basa Asamuan anay nako kag inalmedoran nak mga punra bag-o plantsahon. I’ll sprinkle the starched pillow cases with water before ironing it. Asamuan nako’t sabaw kag ako kan-on. I’ll moisten my rice with soup. Waya sida gisamo it tuyo sa kan-on. She didn’t moisten her rice with soy sauce. syn: sabyag, sablig. (sem. domains: 1.3.3 - Wet.)

sambat [sámbat] 11.1vt To catch. Aya gisambata kag bola agor ida ahabulon. Don’t catch the ball so he’ll have to chase it. 22.1v To understand; to catch on to the meaning of what somebody says (fig). nakuha Nasambat nako kag gusto nimo bisayahon. I caught on to what you wanted to say.

sam-ing [sam-íng] vbt To lean against something. sandal Asam-ingan nako kinang kahoy sa yudo it amo bayay. I will lean against the tree at the back of our house.

salipor [salipór] vbt To hide behind something or somebody; to cover somebody with one’s body. kubli, tago Asalipuran nako ikaw agor indi ikaw matama. I will hide you behind me so you won’t be hit. Nagpapasalipor sida sa kabinet agor indi makita nato. He was hiding behind the cabinet so we couldn’t see him.

sakar [sakár] 1adj To get one's moneyworth; to get the value of what one spent. (sem. domains: - Spend.) 1.1vbt To recover ones business expenses or capital; to cover business expenses. sulit, bawi Nagsasakar ako it ako kalugihan. I recovered my losses. Masasakaran nako kag gastos it ako binta ngasing. I can recover my expenses with my sales now. Nagsasakar kag ako binta sa ako gastos. My sales recovered my expenses. 22.1sta To equal in worth. Waya nasakar it imo nakaon sa imo gingpamasahe. What you ate did not equal your fare.

sag-ob [ság-ob] (dial. var. agwada) vbt To fetch water. igíb Nagpapasag-ob kami sa mga anak pag nawar-an kami it tubi sa bayay. We have the children fetch water whenever we run out of it at the house. Isagey nako asag-uban kag pangbunyag sa mga buyak. I’ll fetch the water for the flowers later.

sador [sádor] 11.1vt To know something for with certainty; to find something out; to hear about something. Nakasadorey ako nak nakapasa sida sa eksamin. I already know that she passed the test. ’Ya nako nasadori kung riin sida gipagto. I don’t know where she went. Nasadoran nako sa ako amiga kag ida pagabot. I found out from my friend that she had arrived. Ngasing yang ako nakasador nak nagkasakit sida. I found out just now that he got sick. 22.1vi To let somebody know something (for sure); to inform; to tell. alam Pasadora kami kung sida ay nakaabotey. Let us know when she has arrived. Ngasing yang ako gipasadura it ida pagkamatay. I was only informed now of his death.

sada [sáda] 1n Skirt (as of worn by women). [Traditionally this was a long wrap-around piece of cloth that formed a tube skirt. Later it was a long sewn garment with flared skirt and a waist band. Now it is any modern style of long or short skirt.] (sem. domains: 5.3.2 - Women's clothing.) 2vi To put on, wear a skirt (as of worn by women). (sem. domains: 5.3.2 - Women's clothing, 5.3.7 - Wear clothing.) 3vbt To dress, put a skirt on something (as of a child or doll). pálda Ingsadahan nako kag monika. I put a skirt on the doll. (sem. domains: 5.3.2 - Women's clothing, 5.3.7 - Wear clothing.) der. pasada , der. sada-sada

sabyag [sábyag] vbt To splash something or somebody with water. magsáboy Asabyagan nako kag nagpapamungo it tubi. I will splash the ones who are throwing stones with water. syn: sablig, samo.

sabsab [sábsab] vi To graze; eat grass. sabsab, kain Apasabsabon nako’t hilamunon kag baka. I will let the cow eat grass.

sabor₂ [sábor] vbt To baste; spread with something. buhol-buhol Asaburan nako kag tinapay it palaman. I will spread the bread with jam.

sabaw [sabáw] 1n Soup; broth. syn: yauda 2. (sem. domains: 5.2.3 - Types of food.) 2vbt To make, add liquid to make soup (the meduim used in water). Juicy sabáw Asabawon nako kag tubi sa isra. I will use the water to make soup for the fish. Asabawan nako kag isra. I will make soup with the fish. Asabawan nako kag kan-on it anak. I will add soup to the child’s rice. [this method of cooking is never used for rice, and more likely for meat, chicken, fish.] (sem. domains: 5.2.3 - Types of food.) comp. sabaw it butong , der. masabaw