Search results for "Hole"

abalang 1v Seek out. Ko oglapas ki, og-aliguan ta ka maralom no og-abalang ki to mababow oyow konò ki ogka-alus diò to linow. When we cross [a river], we detour around the deep [part] and seek out the shallow [area] so that we won't be swept away by the current into the deep pool. [In the following example, a person is looking for a shallow place to cross a river in order not to be swept away by the current.] 2v To relentlessly pursue; to be after something, as a purpose. Ko du-on ogko-iniatan no ogpangasawa, og-abalangon. Og-alukuyon ungod ka amoy taman to ogho-o on. If someone wants to get married, he will pursue it relentlessly. He will keep on discussing it with the father until he says yes. Kagi to balu, “Og-abalangon ku ka baloy no nighimu ni Jeremy di warò pad igkabayad ku.” The widow said, “I’m after the house that Jeremy made but I don't yet have anything to use for payment.” Ko ogkalituk on ka og-abalangon din, ogbuyu-on din on. When it is clear what she is after, [then] she will ask for it. Ogkukutkut ka asu su og-abalangon din ka ambow diò to lungag to tanò. Og-iling ka otow, “Nokoy ka og-abalangon to asu?” The dog is digging because he is relentlessly pursuing a rat there in a hole in the ground. Someone says, “What is that dog after? [If a person requests something which isn't given the first time he will keep coming back until the person finally gives what is requested. This can apply to a young man who keeps returning to talk to the father of a girl he wants to marry or can apply to a dog who keeps digging because he smells a rat and is determined to get it.] 3v That which someone is relentlessly pursuing. Og-atangan ku ka ig-abalangi din. I am blocking that which he is relentlessly pursuing. [The following example concerned an effort to dissuade a patient from returning home before he was well enough to do so.] see: buyù 1; see fr.: tu-ud 1. 4deriv n A person who is very persistent. Ka sika abalangon, ungod oglibonglibong taman to ogkapurut din ka ogbuyu-on din. Ogko-iling to ogkapogos ka ogbuyu-on din. As for that person who is persistent, he keeps coming back until he is able to get that for which he was begging. It's as though the person from whom he is making a request is forced [to give it]. [If one day he asks for something and you don't give it, he will keep coming back in following days to request until you give it to him.]

bu-ang 1v To be crazy, demented. [This can be a result of illness, injury or demonic activity and can affect animals or people. A person who acts stupidly is also called "crazy".] cf: angol 1; see: langog. 2n Disease which makes dogs crazy; rabies. 3n Name of a disease of fish in which whole schools of fish die.

buslut 1n Hole, as in a bottle or bag. 2n Sore on bottom of foot, called ‘noy to ibung “mother yaw”. 3vs To contain a hole, as in a bag, a glass or tube.

hillop v To pull back and inside, as head of a turtle. Oghillop ka ulu to bo-u-u. The head of a turtle is pulled back and inside [its body]. Ka ulod no ogtagù to lugì, songo oghillop dod The snake which goes inside a hole, it also pulls back and inside [its hole]. [The sense seems to be of a backwards motion as the turtle retreats to its shell or a snake pulls its head back into a hole. The conponents of meaning seem to be “pull back and inside”.] osyn: konsong 2.

kobot 1n Rim on the top of a basket. or a reinforcement of rattan on the bottom of a basket. 1.1v That which is used to finish the rim of a basket such as rattan. 1.2v Process of finishing the rim of a basket by stitching with a strand strand of rattan through holes made by a a sharp instrument or awl such as the iduwat. 2v To be wrinkled or puckered Ka batò no ogmagasò, ogkobot ka laplap to lobut din. As for the child who is emaciated, the skin of his buttocks is puckered.

kutkut v 1To scratch with claws, as the ground. [DB says pangalkal applies particularly of chickens scratching in lagut leaves, etc. Whereas kutkut applies more of scratching/digging in dirt. (Is this different from “digging” below? DB gives an example of a chicken is digging up seeds with its claws.)] see fr.: kalus; see fr.: kalkal; see fr.: kali 1; see: kalkal, pangalkal. 2dig (as a dog or other animal) 2.1To dig with claws or one's hands. Ogkukutkut ka asu su og-abalangon din ka ambow diò to lungag to tanò. The dog is digging because he is relentlessly pursuing a rat there in a hole in the ground. 3Scratch (as something that itches.)