Search results for "If you have insomnia, you cannot sleep. You are always tossing and turning as you lay [there] and you are always sweating until it becomes morning."

daliwasoon v To have a condition of sleeplessness, or insomnia, often taken as a sign that someone has died. Ko ogdaliwasoon ka, konò ka ogkohirogò. Ungod ka ogbalbalikid ka oghibat no ungod ka oglimusongan taman to ogkapawa-an ka. If you have insomnia, you cannot sleep. You are always tossing and turning as you lay [there] and you are always sweating until it becomes morning. [This is something said to be unusual, not due to a cronic night sweat, so it is taken as a sign that something has gone wrong or someone has died. Term also applies if sleeplessness is due to a natural cause such as having drunk coffee or eaten sweets before retiring for the night.]