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agum 1n The pattern formed during the intial stage of weaving a basket. Ka pogbatokbatok, sikan ka agum. The forming of the pattern [of a basket], that is the agum. 1.1v The initial stage of beginning to weave a basket which includes the formation of the pattern of the basket. Ogbunsud to oghimu to liang. Agad nokoy kalasia no liang, sikan ka og-agumon. One begins to make a basket. Whatever kind of woven basket, that is the initial stage of weaving a basket. [One takes certain strands with each hand and begins to weave them together. This term apparently applies to any type of basket but it is at this stage that the pattern is set.] 2v To teach someone how to weave a basket. Og-a-agum si Buntit to liang no ogpabantayon din ka og-anaron din. Buntit is teaching someone how to weave a basket and she is watching the one she is teaching,

alang 1n A ritual performed to remove a charm, spell or hex. Ka so-ini no alang to taloy-u, igtubad to mgo busow. This ritual to remove a charm, it is [performed by] sacrificing to the spirits. ant: gamut 1; spec: kunakun. 1.1v That which is used as a means of treatment to remove a spell, charm or hex. Du-on ogtutungon dan no ig-alang ka ig-awò to sikan no taloy-u. There is something which they burn as a means of treatment to remove that love charm. [If a man has used a charm to cause a woman to fall in love with him, he will later use something to treat her to remove the love charm so that she will be freed from lust and able focus on her husband and family. However, with that release she may then react negatively and hate her husband for having used the charm to force her into this now unwanted relationship.] 1.2v For someone to be released from the effects of a charm by use of a ritual. Ko og-alangan din on to taloy-u ka asawa rin, ogmaro-ot on ka goinawa to boi to sikan no lukos su napogos ka goinawa rin to na-asawa sikandin. When his wife (lit. spouse) has been released from the charm by means of a ritual, the woman's attitude toward that man will become bad because her love (lit. breath) had been forced when she was married [to him]. 1.3v To have someone perform a ritual to remove the effects of a charm or a spell which has been cast by using witchcraft. Pa-alang ka su gamut so-ini no goramon nu. Have someone treat you because this ailment is [from] witchcraft. 2n A treatment such as that used to kill insects which damage a crop. Ka alang to mgo pinamula, warò nigligkat to igtubad. The treatment for a field does not come from a prayer/sacrifice [to the spirits]. [Although both uses of alang have to do with treatment, they are interpreted by some to be different in that the ritual to remove the effects of a charm involves invoking the supernatural, whereas treating a crop involves the burning of any of various kinds of wood or vines which produce toxic smoke which kills insects which are damag crops such as corn. The insects die and are eagerly eaten by the birds.] spec: kunakun, gisois, banga; see: bulung 1. 2.1v That which is used as a means of treating something, such as a crop 2.1.1n Something used for a treatment such as a kind of wood or vine. Ka ig-alang noy, mgo kayu, banga, anohow, pangamoton, mgo bunal no ian ka mgo a-alangoy to mgo pinamula. That which we use to treat [crops] are plants, banga palm, fan palm, plants of the field, vines which are the treatments of plants.

alik-ik n 1A kind of green and white stripped leaf used to wrap corn for steaming. Moon-ing ka alik-ik diò to kanami no mabatok di konò ogkagamit to igbaakì to agoloy. Ian dò ogkagamit ka alik-ik no mo-ilow. There are many kinds of varigated alik-ik plants in our place they are not used to make steamed bread from corn. The only kind that is used is the green alik-ik plant. [There are many kinds of leaves called alik-ik but not all of them are used for wrapping and steaming young corn. The leaf used for making a type of steamed corn bread is a green and white stripped leaf found in the forest. Other varigated varieties are considered to be pretty and are used as decorative plants. It is uncertain if these could be used in cooking.] 2Small grained rice.

anga n A kind of small fish. [similar to the ilabù or subuk which resemble a fish called bull head.]

anibung n 1A thorny palm which has an edible ubud heart. 2An area which is full of anibun palm trees. 3Kind of mottled rice.

antig n Kind of small, green frog [lives in water near small streams.]

arab 1n A kind of curved knife, or bolo. Ka arab, marulag igkakamot su ogsinsinikoton dò to oghiipanow, panagana ko du-on usig. The arab knife is rarely used to cut a field because it is just strapped at the waist and worn when one travels, in case (lit. preparation if) there would be an enemy. [which has triangular shaped blade at the apex at about a 45 degree angle. Sometimes only the bottom edge is sharpened but all edges may be sharpened. It is about 2-3 inches wide and 15-20 inches long.] 2v to sharpen one or both sides of a piece of bamboo. Ko og-abat ki to bulu, og-araban ta su oghimuon ta no sinombung. When we cut down bamboo, we sharpen it because we will make into a bamboo spear. [Thought used primarily of sharpening an edge of bamboo, the same word and procedure could be done to certain kinds of hard wood but more rarely as most wood is not suitable. DB said it would not apply to sharpening metal.] see: mo-irob.

badbad 1v Unfurl, untie, translate; unravel. see fr.: hokad 1. 2deriv n Thread, ravelling. 3deriv n Kind of tree. [The form of this word appears verbal but it is said to be the name of a tree.] 4n Unfurled leaf. [Such as an unfurled leaf of banana, palm frond (coconut or other palms) but not including the ferns. (Ferns uncurl but do not unfold.)]