Search results for "Lean on [something] with one's chest."

ambò v 1Lean on something as a means of conveyance while floating Ko sagboka nu ka og-ambò, og-ayunon nu to lawa nu ka bulu. Ka bolad nu, ian nu igbogsoy. When you lean on something for floatation you line up your body with the bamboo [pole]. You use your hands to paddle. [One can use ones' arms to prop oneself on bamboo or other object of conveyance, but the arms can be left free to paddle. When water is involved, the meaning includes the component of conveyance by water. When in any other place, such as a house, movement or conveyance is not a component of meaning.] 2Lean on anything, usually with arms or hands, but could be with a part of one's body Sosolobon ka ig-ambò. Lean on [something] with one's chest.