Search results for "Moon-ing ka mgo otow no oghu-hu-an dan no ogka-ayatan dan no oggawayan dan."

v 1To treat or to speak nicely to someone. Hu-a nu ka batò oyow konò ogsinogow. Speak nicely to the child so that he won't cry. [If word is used of an adult it would mean to help that person in some way, such as good advice, so they would feel better. If word is used of a child, it would imply doing things for him or with him so that he would be happy. (It applies to the activity whether or not the child has a reason to be unhappy.)] 2“Butter up”, that is, treat nicely, or teach carefully but with alterior motives. Moon-ing ka mgo otow no oghu-hu-an dan no ogka-ayatan dan no oggawayan dan. There are many people whom they are buttering up and so they entice them and deceived. [When the reduplicated form is used the connotation is that the activity is being done with deceptive or alterior motives.] osyn: imu-imu-an, ayat 1.