Search results for "Rattan."

balagon n Rattan. Ka doun to balagon, ogko-iling to doun to pula. Rattan leaves are similar to the leaves of the pula palm. [Kinds of rattan include: palasan, tubu, pulitì, anokot, pulapula, sipit to lombu-u, saliringan, alag, and ka-anan (Several kinds have edible heart (ubud but the heart of the ka-anan is poisonous).] 1.1v A vine that grows like a rattan?? Oghingaran no ogbalbalogon. It is called rattan-like??. spec: palasan; spec: sipit to lombu-u; spec: pulitì; spec: anokot; spec: tubu; spec: pulapula.

bangkalow 1n A hoop, such as a rattan one which is thrown or a plastic one which is put around the waist to twirl. Ka bangkalow, balagon no oglangkungon to ogmalibusonon, no igbangkalow to pogliid no ogsabo-on to ogpilak ka ogli-ag no mgo batò. A hoop is [made of] rattan which is wound in and out into a circle which is tossed to roll and is caught with a thrust of [of a stick] as the children play. 2v To throw a hoop so that it rolls. Koddì ka ogbangkalow to sikan no balagon no nalangkung. I’ll be the one to roll the hoop of coiled rattan. [This is a game where one person throws a hoop so that it rolls. Another person tries to catch it with a stick through the center. If he fails, he will be the one to throw it next.] 3v To roll as a hoop which is tossed 4n A kind of sugarcane with a grey, hard outside layer [There is a another kind called bakalawan to ubal “hoop of the monkey” which is a hard sugarcane and can only be chewed if the hard surface is shaved off.] 5v The run or walk of a lizard. ??

kobot 1n Rim on the top of a basket. or a reinforcement of rattan on the bottom of a basket. 1.1v That which is used to finish the rim of a basket such as rattan. 1.2v Process of finishing the rim of a basket by stitching with a strand strand of rattan through holes made by a a sharp instrument or awl such as the iduwat. 2v To be wrinkled or puckered Ka batò no ogmagasò, ogkobot ka laplap to lobut din. As for the child who is emaciated, the skin of his buttocks is puckered.

kopù 1n A small bag which has a drawstring on each side used for carrying items such as money or betelnut chew. see: kabil. 2A small basket with lid. made of pulapula, a kind of red rattan which has a design woven in of agsam, a kind of black rattan.

korow n Knotted rattan used as calendar, appointment reminder. Ka korow, sikan ka ogbukuon no balagon. Kara buku, songo allow. Ko sambulù no buku ka igtugun, sampulù no allow. The knotted rattan “calendar”, that is a knotted [piece of] rattan. Each knot [represents] one day. If ten knots are used to call [someone], it [indicates] ten days. [The traditional way for Manobo people to keep track of time, especially concerning agreements to meet somewhere is to take two pieces of rattan and make an equal number of knots in each representing the number of days until the day of the meeting. If a debt is owed and a piece of red material is included with the first knot, the meaning is that if the debt is not paid by that last day, someone will be killed.]

ligtù 1v To snap in two with a sideways motion, as of rattan. Ligtu-a nu. Snap it in two. [If something is being made from rattan and then at the end of the strand the rattan is bent backwards but does not break off, they will take hold of it and with a sideways motion snap it in two.] see: pagopù. 2adj crack Ko ogmalunoy on, konò ogkaligtù. If it is soft and flexible it will not crack.

pula 1n Fish palm [tree] [Bows are made from this particular palm wood. Its fuzz is used to start fires and it has an edible heart.] gen: bonsag. 2n A kind of rattan. 3A kind of rattan.