Search results for "Strong"

alimbual n A wave or breaker, as on the beach; the result of a strong current which splashes or breaks against the rocks. [DB describes this like when there is a whirlpool and the water strikes the rocks and rises and splashes. He would say that the Nigtaplak ka luak no nakasawig diò to ampow ie against the ship. DB 18/Jan/2006] gen: luak.

anad 1v Teach. Ka maistra, og-anad to mgo istudianti. [As for] the teacher, he/she teaches the students. see fr.: ayat 2. 1.1v Taught Ka maistra ku to "grade one", sikan dod ka nig-anad ki Judith. My grade one teacher was also the one who taught Judith. 1.2vt To be taught by someone. Og-anaron ka mgo batò oyow du-on ogkato-uanan dan. The children are being taught so that they will have skills. 2v To be able to teach. Warò a nig-iman-iman to ogka-anad ku ka amoy woy ka anak. I had not expected that I would be able to teach the father and the daughter (lit. offspring). 2.1v To train or submit oneself to training (lit. allow oneself to be taught). Ka sikan no ogpo-omot to pa-anad, ogkato-u sikandin. That person who diligently trains (lit. causes [himself] to be taught) will become skilled. 2.2v That which is used to teach/train others. Ko nato-uan din, songo ig-anad din to songo otow. When he has become skilled, he will likewise use [that skill] to teach another person. 2.2.1v That which was taught, or used to train someone. Ogkaroromdom ku ka in-anad to amoy ku kanak tongod to talabau to oggabas to kayu no ighimu to baloy I remember that which my father taught me about the work of sawing wood to make a house. 3v Learn. Ka mgo batò, og-anad to ogsulat. The children are learning to write. 3.1vs To learn, become accustomed to. Kanokal ka to oghusud oyow ogka-anad ka oyow du-on ogkato-uan nu to oggabas. Be strong to pull [on the saw] so that you will learn so that you will know how to saw. 4v That which would be used to teach/train someone to do something. 5vs To have learned or to have become trained, accustomed to. Ko na-anad ka, du-on dayagang nu woy malomu nu su nigtagama nu. When you have become trained, you have strength and it is easy for you because you have become accustomed [to the work]. Warò koy na-anad to sikan no du-on ngalap. Na-anad koy to warò ngangalapoy noy. We are not accustomed to those kinds of fish [lit. viand]. We are accustomed to having no [means of catching] fish. see: tagam. 6v 7deriv n Teacher or the ones who teach. Ka maistra woy ka maistru, sikandan ka talag-anad to mgo istudianti. The male-teacher and female teacher(s), they are the teachers of the students [In the school context, the Spanish borrowings maistru and maistra are commonly used for “teacher” but talag-anad is still used for those who teach how to do anything.] 8Learn. 9v To enable someone gain the ability (lit. to learn) to do something such as to regain a skill that has been lost due to illness. Ogbuligan ta ka otow no malotoy to ogkitkit oyow ogpaka-anad to oghihipanow oyow ogpoko-orol on. We help a weak person by holding [his/her] hand so that [he/she] will gain the ability to walk so that [he/she] will be able to become ambulatory.

batuk 1v To find, discover. Inat konò ogpakabatuk. It's as if one cannot discover [the meaning]. Warò ki pad makabatuk to maroyow no dalan. We had not yet discovered the good path. Iglobong diò to tanò to daruwa no allow ka pogbatuk to sikan no agkud. [The mixture] is buried in the ground for two days [before]] finding [it to have become] the agkud delicacy. see fr.: tugul 3; see fr.: kita 2; see fr.: tolom 3. 2v To be effective. Ko nokoy no tambal no ogpakabatuk to masakit, ian ka ma-agbot no tambal. Whatever medicine is effective against an illness, that is strong medicine. 3v To identify, such as to narrow down to the one person whom one would marry. Ko konò ogkahalin ka goinawa nu diò to duma no boi, no ian nu ogbatukon ka sikan no boi no nasabutan nu. If your love (lit. breath) does not change to another girl, then you have identified the girl with whom you had an agreement [to be the one whom you would marry]. [The sense here seems to be that one's search is narrowed down to this one person so that one knows she is the one he is looking for.] see: tu-on 1. 4v To locate, or go to a specific place for a specific purpose. Ka kunto-on no tipouri no mgo otow, du-on batasan to du-on on indosanan no kasilyas no du-on dò ogbatuk ka og-indos. As for the present-day people who have come later (lit. last), there is a custom to have an outhouse for defecating and so that is [the only] place people will go to to defecate. [The following seems to mean that in contrast to the past when people defecated anywhere, now people go to only that specific location which has been made for that purpose.] 5v To find or locate Ko oglapas ki, ko konò ki ogpakabatuk to mababow su mabolbol ka woig, ogka-alus ki diò to maralom. If we cross [a river], if we cannot locate a shallow area because the water is swift, we will be carried away by the current to a deep area. 6v To get at, or be effective against, as an illness. Ko nokoy no tambal no ogpakabatuk to masakit, ian ka ma-agbot no tambal. Whatever the medicine is which gets at the illness, that is efficatious (lit. strong) medicine. see: tu-on ??. 7v To be passed down, as some characteristic or authority which is recognized in someone's descendant Sikan ka oghingaranan noy no batuk to anak. Ka katondanan ni Dabid, nigbatuk ki Husi. No ka katondanan ni Husi, nigbatuk man dò diò ki Hisus. That is [what] we call passed down to an offspring. The authority of David, it is passed down to Joseph. And the authority of Joseph, it is then passed down to/found in in Jesus. 8v to find to be [or to have become] something Iglobong diò to tanò to daruwa no allow ka pogbatuk to sikan no agkud. That which found to be agkud is buried in the ground for two days. [In the following example, the it takes two days for the mixture of ingredients to change into the food item called akud.] 9Retrieve food once cached away. 10Return. 11v find out, reveal 12Kabatukon ku so-i komos. ???

bulangison adj 1Strongwilled, as of a child who refuses to obey even if beaten. 2Emotionally strong, such as a person who, in the face of undeserved abuse, doesn't give in to do wrong. [If used of a child who refuses to obey or give in, it is not a good characteristic, but if of a person who endures abuse to protect someone or refuses to do wrong, it is good.]

bunbungan 1n A smooth kind of bamboo similar to bulu which is good for weaving walls. 2n Kind of white, long-grained rice. 3deriv n The delayed moon-rise of the first quarter of moon at the when the moon delays to rise, considered to be a good time to start making fields. Ogka-atangan pad ka bulan ko an-anayan ogsilò. Sikan pad ka ogbagungbunan. Ogdoloman pad to malintok. Ognangaran noy to “magapiniongan to manuk.” The moon is still blocked [from shining] when it first comes up. That is [the meaning of] bagungbunan. It is still moonless for a short time. [in the evening] We call it “the blink of a chicken”. 4n To be a strong person, as one who to able to lift something heavy without help as if it were light-weight. 5v Manage easily as a strong person for whom a heavy item seems light. Ka otow no ogbagunbungon din to songo saku, konò ogpabulig to oghonat su manokal sikandin. A person who ilifts a weight easily does not have someone help him lift it because he is strong. see: dayagang 3; see: logon 1; see: nokal 1.

daldal v 1To lean, as a tree that isn\\\'t straight. Ka baloy to otow no nigdaldal on to maagbut no kalamag, nigtukog to tagtu-on oyow kono ogkapolod ka baloy rin. As for the house of a person which was leaning [due to] a strong wind, it was braced by it's owner so that his house would not fall over. [A tree that isn't straight, ogdaldal “leans”, but if it leans against something, like a house or another tree, nakasandig “lean against”.] see: sandig 2; see fr.: kiling. 1.1To be at an angle past the zenith as the moon. Ogdaldal ka buan. The moon has passed the zenith (lit. the moon is leaning). 2To lean something against something else. ??

ganat 1v To band with metal; gold or brass trim, such as on spear. [When wire is wrapped around the end of a spear, if it is removed, it is like a spring because the coils remain and retract when spread apart, so the word is also used for a wire spring. (This type of decoration can also used on an elder person's cane or other articles.)] 2n A spring. Ko iam ka ganat, konò ogkakanat su mabogong. If/when a spring is new, it cannot be stretched because it is strong.
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