Search results for "Ten."

bulangison adj 1Strongwilled, as of a child who refuses to obey even if beaten. 2Emotionally strong, such as a person who, in the face of undeserved abuse, doesn't give in to do wrong. [If used of a child who refuses to obey or give in, it is not a good characteristic, but if of a person who endures abuse to protect someone or refuses to do wrong, it is good.]

dallug n Tips of the sweet potato [camote] plants, the leaves of which are eaten.

kinitkinit v To sparkle, glisten. Di ka bayokbok diò to dagat, ogpangini-kinì But the sand by the ocean sparkles. [A component of the word is that there is motion to the reflected light. (DB says the word does not apply to something that shines with no motion to the shine.)]

kisulà n An edible, climbing plant with leaves similar to sayote with fruit similar to upu,. The fruit and tips of leaves are eaten.

kolut 1n A starchy tuber which has heart-shaped leaves and a vine-like stem that climbs. It has a yellow, poisonous sap called gitò, which must be removed by special preparation tand horough soaking before it can be cooked and eaten. Many tubers grow around a single stem. 2v To gather the poisonous tuber.

ngulug adj stubborn ??? Mgo mangungulug no mgo otow; mgo maro-ot no mgo otow; otow no konò ogpamminog. People who are stubborn ???, bad people, people who won't listen. [TA's comment re persons described in Titus 1:9, people that don't listen even if you prove that what you say is true.]

pukan n To break and fall over, such as rotten tree. Napukan on ka kayu su nalopuk on. The tree broke and fell over because it was rotten. [As when aged and rotten, it breaks and falls over. Applies a tree that breaks above or at the roots.roots (Would apply to a pole that is broken & falls over during in a storm but not to a pole that simply falls over without breaking. That would be napolod).] osyn: lopang, luwal.
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