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agap 1v To race, involving just two people. Darua ka og-agap no ulì diò to baloy. Two people will race [each other] to return home. Nig-a-agap ka darua. The two people were racing [each other]. 2v To race one another, esp. of three or more people. Ka sikan no ogpa-ag-agapoy, li-agan. Ogtagù to saku no ogpallaguy. Ka ogpakaponga, ian ogpakaro-og. That [word] race each other is a game. They get in sacks and run. The one who is able to finish [first] is the one who wins. Ogpa-ag-agapoy ka mgo kuddò. The horses are racing each other. [such as in a game with multiple participants or when racing horses.] 3v To chase and catch up with someone or something. Ko du-on darua no ogpalawod no ka sagboka oghun-a, og-agapan ka oghun-a. If two [people] are going downriver [by raft/canoe] and one gets ahead, the other will chase and catch up with the one which got ahead. [The term agapan “catch up” includes the components of the words gapun “chase” and ogko-umaan “overtake”.] osyn: liu 1. 4vs To be overtaken and passed so that the other person will reach a destination ahead of him/her; beaten to a destination. Ko du-on taga Maguimon no ogligkat to Patil di nig-ulì on sikandan, no du-on nasinundul no og-ulì diò to Maambago, kagi sikandin to, “Ogka-agapan ka Usì.” Ogtabak ka taga Maguimon to, “Balagad. Hun-a ka rò du-on.” If there is someone from Maguimon who is leaving from Patil but he has left to return home, and there are others who have followed later who are returning to Maambago, they will say, “Usì, you will be inadvertently passed up.” The person from Maguimon will answer, “Nevermind. You just go on ahead.” Darua ka og-agap no ulì diò to baloy. Kagi to sagboka, “Ko ogka-agapan ka, koykow ka ogsakaru. Two were racing to return to the house. One said, “If you happen to be beaten [to the destination], you will be the one to fetch water.”

agud cf: hayod; cf: anak 2. 1n The manipulation of a baby\\\\\\\'s position before and during the birthing process. Ko ogkaboros, ogkatapid ka batò ko no-omonu. No ko og-anak on, [ka agud], ian ka igbulig, no igparumaruma ka bolad to talag-uyamu. When someone is pregnant, the baby is positioned when it is not in the right position (lit. if what has happened). And when a person gives birth, [the agud] is the means of helping, by having the hands of the mid-wife accompany [the baby during the birthing process. [This term is used of the process of adjusting the position of the unborn baby during the final months of pregnancy. It is also used of the assistance given during labor when a midwife guides the baby toward the birth canal using gentle pressure with her hands. During that time she may also use her hands to properly position the baby. An Ata Manobo midwife is generally an older female relative who gains her skill and reputation through her own experience and that of others. Some, without formal training become very skilled, even in handling breach births. ] 2v To manipulate the position of an unborn baby during pregnancy or during the birthing process. Si Taganay ka og-agud. Taganay is the one to manipulate [the baby's position]. 2.1v To be manipulated, as the mother’s abdomen when a baby is being moved to the proper position for birthing. Ka gotok ka og-aguron. The [the mother's] abdomen is that which is manipulated. 2.2v To have someone manipulate the unborn baby’s position. Ko oggoramon to inoy to ogmasakit, ogpa-agud. When the mother feels pain, she will have someone manipulate the baby's position.

alag 1n Small nut from a type of rattan which is chewed with betelnut. Ka alag, maporos ko ogsopo-on ta. Igpatigpok to langosa ko du-on ogkapali-an. The alag nut is astringent when we chew it. It is used to stop bleeding if someone has been cut. [There are two kinds of alag nut. One is from a vine called anokot. The other, called dangkias, has leaves which resemble the betel nut tree.] 2v To mix the alag with the betelnut.

alig 1n Attraction, especially toward someone of the opposite sex. Ko ogko-iniat ki to boi to sikan ki pad nigkita, sikan ka alig pad to mata su ko konò tad ogkito-on ka sikan no boi, ogkalingawan ta sikandin. If we desire a girl when this is the first time we have seen her, that is the attraction of the eye(s) because if we don't see that girl [any more], we will just forget about her. Ka sikan no alig, konò no maro-ot su ko ogkita ki to boi no du-on goinawa ta kandin di mangkuan ogkasipod ki no ognangon to du-on goinawa ta kandin. Konò no ian ta ig-alig su oghimu ki to maro-ot. That [kind] of attraction isn't bad because when we see a girl and we like her (lit. have breath toward her), yet later on we will be shy to say that we like her. Our attraction isn't a means of attraction to for doing (lit.because we will do) something wrong. [The unreduplicated form of the word alig is described as not a bad emotion because a person is just interested in that person, but the initial interest may pass. That interest can grow into an appropriate relationship leading toward marriage. However, a person who is described as aligon is someone whose interest goes beyond the appropriate. Those people may desire someone who is married and may not be limited to one relationship.] 2v To be drawn to someone, as to God. Ko nig-alig ki to Magbobo-ot, indakoli ki to goinawa to Magbobo-ot. Kandin dò ka nig-alig. When we were drawn to God, our love (lit. breath) for God was increased. He alone was the one who drew us [to Himself]. 3v Affection for someone. Natapid ka pog-alig din no du-on on dakol no goinawa rin. Ka sikan no alig, sagboka rò no boi ka indakoli rin. Sikan ka ligkatan to og-asawo-on din. His affection for someone has become focused (lit. arranged). As for that affection, there is just one girl whom he loves. That is the source of his getting married [to her]. 4vs To be attracted by something such as a pretty design. Ogka-aligan ta ka maroyow no batok. We are attracted by the pretty design. 5v To make a commitment to one another as two who decide to get married. Nig-a-alig sikandan su nokog-un-unawa goinawa ran. Nokogsabut ka sikan. Nokog-iniatoy. Nokogso-ob ka alig dan no darua. They have made a commitment [to each other] because their feelings (lit. breath) werere the same. They have come to an agreement with each other. They desire each other. The attraction of the two [of them] is mutual. 6deriv n A lustful person. Ka otow no ogko-iniat to moon-ing no boi, sikan ka aligon. The person who desires many women, that is a lustful person. 7v To lust after others of opposite sex, not one's spouse. Ko du-on asawa woy ko dalaga, tibò din og-aligon. Whether it is a person who has a spouse or an unmarried lady, he lusts after all [of them].

anad 1v Teach. Ka maistra, og-anad to mgo istudianti. [As for] the teacher, he/she teaches the students. see fr.: ayat 2. 1.1v Taught Ka maistra ku to "grade one", sikan dod ka nig-anad ki Judith. My grade one teacher was also the one who taught Judith. 1.2vt To be taught by someone. Og-anaron ka mgo batò oyow du-on ogkato-uanan dan. The children are being taught so that they will have skills. 2v To be able to teach. Warò a nig-iman-iman to ogka-anad ku ka amoy woy ka anak. I had not expected that I would be able to teach the father and the daughter (lit. offspring). 2.1v To train or submit oneself to training (lit. allow oneself to be taught). Ka sikan no ogpo-omot to pa-anad, ogkato-u sikandin. That person who diligently trains (lit. causes [himself] to be taught) will become skilled. 2.2v That which is used to teach/train others. Ko nato-uan din, songo ig-anad din to songo otow. When he has become skilled, he will likewise use [that skill] to teach another person. 2.2.1v That which was taught, or used to train someone. Ogkaroromdom ku ka in-anad to amoy ku kanak tongod to talabau to oggabas to kayu no ighimu to baloy I remember that which my father taught me about the work of sawing wood to make a house. 3v Learn. Ka mgo batò, og-anad to ogsulat. The children are learning to write. 3.1vs To learn, become accustomed to. Kanokal ka to oghusud oyow ogka-anad ka oyow du-on ogkato-uan nu to oggabas. Be strong to pull [on the saw] so that you will learn so that you will know how to saw. 4v That which would be used to teach/train someone to do something. 5vs To have learned or to have become trained, accustomed to. Ko na-anad ka, du-on dayagang nu woy malomu nu su nigtagama nu. When you have become trained, you have strength and it is easy for you because you have become accustomed [to the work]. Warò koy na-anad to sikan no du-on ngalap. Na-anad koy to warò ngangalapoy noy. We are not accustomed to those kinds of fish [lit. viand]. We are accustomed to having no [means of catching] fish. see: tagam. 6v 7deriv n Teacher or the ones who teach. Ka maistra woy ka maistru, sikandan ka talag-anad to mgo istudianti. The male-teacher and female teacher(s), they are the teachers of the students [In the school context, the Spanish borrowings maistru and maistra are commonly used for “teacher” but talag-anad is still used for those who teach how to do anything.] 8Learn. 9v To enable someone gain the ability (lit. to learn) to do something such as to regain a skill that has been lost due to illness. Ogbuligan ta ka otow no malotoy to ogkitkit oyow ogpaka-anad to oghihipanow oyow ogpoko-orol on. We help a weak person by holding [his/her] hand so that [he/she] will gain the ability to walk so that [he/she] will be able to become ambulatory.

andu cf: losung 1. n Pestle such as used for pounding grain; a metal rod used as a pestle for tapping tabacco. Ogngaran to andu ka igbinayu woy ko igdokdok to mamo-on woy ko tabakù. That which is used to pound [grain] or that which is used to tap betelnut or tabacco is called a pestle. [Term also applys to a a small pestle used with a small mortar for pulverizing medicine. The small mortar would still be a losung and the pestle called andu even though the tablet is crushed and not pounded. DB 18/Jan/2006] spec: susu to dalaga.

bakbak n A large edible frog. [This includes at least three kinds of edible frogs including a black frog with a body about 3 1/2 inches long, a brown frog, about 4 inches long and a white frog, about 5 inches long.] see fr.: balagagag.

bako-us 1v To wrap up and bind together, as meat. Ogku-on noy no babuy no ogbako-us noy on no ogbanggutan to balagon ka natongos on. We take the [cut up meat of] the pig and wrap in portions and bind with rattan that which has been wrapped up [in leaves]. [Used especially of large portions of meat or fish which are wrapped in leaves and bound with rattan so they can be carried home on a person's back or suspended from a strap across ones' forehead. Would also apply if a sack or plastic were used if it is bound. Would not apply to carrying things that are not eaten.)] 2deriv n A portion of fish or game that has been wrapped and bound. Tagsagboka no otow, du-on ka kandin no binako-us. Each person has his own bound portion [of meat]/.

balagagag n Offspring of edible bakbak frog. [Specifically the offspring of the edible bakbak frog. Name does not apply to offspring of other frogs.] see: bakbak.

balagon n Rattan. Ka doun to balagon, ogko-iling to doun to pula. Rattan leaves are similar to the leaves of the pula palm. [Kinds of rattan include: palasan, tubu, pulitì, anokot, pulapula, sipit to lombu-u, saliringan, alag, and ka-anan (Several kinds have edible heart (ubud but the heart of the ka-anan is poisonous).] 1.1v A vine that grows like a rattan?? Oghingaran no ogbalbalogon. It is called rattan-like??. spec: palasan; spec: sipit to lombu-u; spec: pulitì; spec: anokot; spec: tubu; spec: pulapula.

balagoy n To be busy. Ka anggam ku, ogkabalagoy pad to oghimu to baloy rin. Ian oghuno-on to ogsagman. My uncle is occupied by the building of his house. That is what he pays attention to first. Kabalagoy ki. We’re busy. [This implies the person is busy working at something profitable whereas if a person is ogkatalantan he may be occupied with something important or trivial so that he is distracted from what is priority.] cf: talantan 1; see: umalagon.

baloy deriv. of: babaloy, og=, nig=. 1n House, building. spec: bakalag, pinayag 1. 2deriv n Household. Agad hontow ka ogpoko-ugpò to kandin no baloy, songo balayan on. Whoever lives at his/her house, [they are] one household. 3deriv v Domesticated, as a pig in the village in contrast to magintalunan which would refer to a wild pig. 4deriv n Old house; one that is becoming old. Ogkabinalayan on ka baloy. The house is getting old. 5deriv n Home owner including family members but not guests; master of household. see: tagbanwa. 6deriv n A request on the basis of a relationship as that of being a neighbor or friend who has previously done a favor for the person from whom the request is made. Tagibaloy to nasagman a nu rò su si Unisimu ka oghinguma on diò to baloy nu. ??? that you just showed hospitality to me because Onisimus is the one who arrived at your house. Tagibaloy (unawa ??) to nigsagman si [Pablo] ko nigdatong [si Unisimu] diò to baloy ni Pilimun su ligkat diò ki Pablo ka pogtokod din. It was like [Paul] was welcomed when Onisimus arrived at the house [of Philemon] because his acknowledgement [of Onisimus] came from [his relationship with] Paul. [DB comment regarding what Paul had proposed to Philemon regarding receiving Onisimus in his stead.]

bangkalow 1n A hoop, such as a rattan one which is thrown or a plastic one which is put around the waist to twirl. Ka bangkalow, balagon no oglangkungon to ogmalibusonon, no igbangkalow to pogliid no ogsabo-on to ogpilak ka ogli-ag no mgo batò. A hoop is [made of] rattan which is wound in and out into a circle which is tossed to roll and is caught with a thrust of [of a stick] as the children play. 2v To throw a hoop so that it rolls. Koddì ka ogbangkalow to sikan no balagon no nalangkung. I’ll be the one to roll the hoop of coiled rattan. [This is a game where one person throws a hoop so that it rolls. Another person tries to catch it with a stick through the center. If he fails, he will be the one to throw it next.] 3v To roll as a hoop which is tossed 4n A kind of sugarcane with a grey, hard outside layer [There is a another kind called bakalawan to ubal “hoop of the monkey” which is a hard sugarcane and can only be chewed if the hard surface is shaved off.] 5v The run or walk of a lizard. ??