Search results for "alibood"

alibutod n White grubs. Oggusi-on tad ka galung ta no pula no ogkito-on tad ka moon-ing no alibutod no og-aliboodbood on. We split oven the pula palm tree which we have notched and then we see many white grubs which are wiggling about. [These are hatched from the eggs of the kamolung beetles which may be black, brown, reddish, or green. The grubs are cultivated by felling a palm tree with an edible heart such as the pula palm. The palm tree is felled and the palm heart ubud is removed from the upper portion of the tree near the leaves to be used for food. Then the tree is grooved at intervals of about one arm span. It is then covered with leaves and left for about three months. Beetles lay their eggs in the grooves and the larva feed on the pulp lisuan of the tree. When someone comes back to check the tree, he taps it to see if the grubs have developed and filled the pulp of the tree. If they have, the creatures will make a whispery na-asna-as sound. The tree trunk will be split open and the grubs collected which are cooked and eaten. They are described as consisting almost entirely of fat. However, not everyone eats them.] spec: kanggò; spec: katod; spec: langi-on.