Search results for "ambow 1"

takubung n A marmot, a very large rodent resembling a woodchuck. Ka takubung, ngaran to ambow no daddakol no lukosan. A takubung is the name of a very large male rodent. Ka mgo lugì to tabunan to takubung, ogpoglawanglawangon diò to diralom to oghimuan dan to salag. The holes of the marmot’s mound is connected underneath to the places where they make their nests. [Mormots are social animals similar to woodchucks which live in a hill with burrows which connect the nesting areas for various members of the extended family. It's home is in a mound called a tabunan. They are categorized as rodents which belong to the squirrel family but they are much larger.] gen: ambow 1.