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anad 1v Teach. Ka maistra, og-anad to mgo istudianti. [As for] the teacher, he/she teaches the students. see fr.: ayat 2. 1.1v Taught Ka maistra ku to "grade one", sikan dod ka nig-anad ki Judith. My grade one teacher was also the one who taught Judith. 1.2vt To be taught by someone. Og-anaron ka mgo batò oyow du-on ogkato-uanan dan. The children are being taught so that they will have skills. 2v To be able to teach. Warò a nig-iman-iman to ogka-anad ku ka amoy woy ka anak. I had not expected that I would be able to teach the father and the daughter (lit. offspring). 2.1v To train or submit oneself to training (lit. allow oneself to be taught). Ka sikan no ogpo-omot to pa-anad, ogkato-u sikandin. That person who diligently trains (lit. causes [himself] to be taught) will become skilled. 2.2v That which is used to teach/train others. Ko nato-uan din, songo ig-anad din to songo otow. When he has become skilled, he will likewise use [that skill] to teach another person. 2.2.1v That which was taught, or used to train someone. Ogkaroromdom ku ka in-anad to amoy ku kanak tongod to talabau to oggabas to kayu no ighimu to baloy I remember that which my father taught me about the work of sawing wood to make a house. 3v Learn. Ka mgo batò, og-anad to ogsulat. The children are learning to write. 3.1vs To learn, become accustomed to. Kanokal ka to oghusud oyow ogka-anad ka oyow du-on ogkato-uan nu to oggabas. Be strong to pull [on the saw] so that you will learn so that you will know how to saw. 4v That which would be used to teach/train someone to do something. 5vs To have learned or to have become trained, accustomed to. Ko na-anad ka, du-on dayagang nu woy malomu nu su nigtagama nu. When you have become trained, you have strength and it is easy for you because you have become accustomed [to the work]. Warò koy na-anad to sikan no du-on ngalap. Na-anad koy to warò ngangalapoy noy. We are not accustomed to those kinds of fish [lit. viand]. We are accustomed to having no [means of catching] fish. see: tagam. 6v 7deriv n Teacher or the ones who teach. Ka maistra woy ka maistru, sikandan ka talag-anad to mgo istudianti. The male-teacher and female teacher(s), they are the teachers of the students [In the school context, the Spanish borrowings maistru and maistra are commonly used for “teacher” but talag-anad is still used for those who teach how to do anything.] 8Learn. 9v To enable someone gain the ability (lit. to learn) to do something such as to regain a skill that has been lost due to illness. Ogbuligan ta ka otow no malotoy to ogkitkit oyow ogpaka-anad to oghihipanow oyow ogpoko-orol on. We help a weak person by holding [his/her] hand so that [he/she] will gain the ability to walk so that [he/she] will be able to become ambulatory.

bungkù v 1To come to an end, limit; boundary. Ko hondo-i ogkataman ka hikot to asu, du-on dò ogbungkù. Wherever the tether of the dog ends, that is where he will be limited. Du-on otow no nalagak ka salapi din no darua no gatus. Nigbungkù dò du-on to namanghò di warò din on kita-a. There was a person ho lost two hundred [pesos] of his money. He came to an end of looking for it but didn't find it. 2Give up on someone or something, as when an action proves futile Ko du-on duma ta no du-on batasan no konò ogkabalowbalow, ogbungku-an tad ka og-anad kandin to maroyow. If we have a companion who has conduct which cannot be changed, we sgive up on teaching him [to do] good. 3To run out of options, as a doctor who cannot treat an illness. Nigbungku-an on to doctor si Ann Joy. Agad ko du-on ogkoimu on dan to ogpangabang, ogkamatoy rò sikandin. The doctor gran out of options for Ann Joy. Even if there was something they could do to save her, she would still die. see: tawad 1; see: taman 1. 4To allow to go so far and no farther such as when cutting a field. Ka otow no ogkakamot, du-on patamanan din ka ogpo-ilisan ka kamot din no ian ka pabungku-an to kamot din. A person who is making a field, has an ending of the edge of his field and that is how far he will ballow his field to extend. [It may not be the boundry of his property but it is the farthest extent to which he will have his field cut.] 4.1To set a limit. Ka lubid to asu ka ogpakabungkù oyow du-on dò ogkataman. The rope is that which is setting a limit it so that it will not go any farther.

orol v 1To get up enough energy to do something. Og-orol-orol a to baatik ku. I'll get up enough energy [to go check on] my pig trap. Ko ogdaralu ki, oglogoslogos dò ka og-onow. Sikan ka og-orol-orol su ogpogos ki to lawa ta. When we are ill, [we] just expend great effort to get up. That is [the meaning] of managing because we force ourselves to do something (lit. force our body). [Arlyn said the following expression orol-orol might be made by an older person who does not feel so energetic but he will manage enough energy to get out to check his trap. If a person has been ill, this term implies that he is just beginning to recover but is not yet strong.] see: logoslogos. 2With negative: [not] to be able to manage well to get around Ko kulang ka langosa ta, ogkatabolog ki ko oghipanow no konò ki ogpoko-orol. If our blood is lacking we will be lightheaded when we walk and we won't be able to manage well to get around. Ka buyag no otow, konad ogpoko-orol ka oghipanow su mamasakit on ka bu-ol din The person who is old cannot manage to walk well because his/her knees hurt. Ko oggutasan ka otow, konò ogpoko-orol to ogtalabao. Warò dayagang dan. If a person is hungry, he cannot manage to work. [A person in this condition feels weak and can hardly get around and may need physical support if he/she walks very far.] 3To become ambulatory, or have the ability to walk around. Ogbuligan ta ka otow no malotoy to ogkitkit oyow ogpaka-anad to oghihipanow oyow ogpoko-orol on. We help a weak person by holding [his/her] hand so that [he/she] will gain the ability to walk so that [he/she] will be able to become ambulatory.